ARod and schemes using Tight Ends

I agree that a coach can only scheme with the talent they have. if the TE aren’t good receivers then you aren’t going to use them that way. but I don’t think that is the full story here. I don’t see Arod’s offense focusing on TEs. he will use them if they are exceptional i.e. Rex, but I don’t think he is specifically trying to develop that talent because it doesn’t fit into his offense. I see his offense as a mogpog of Grimes and what the U has done under Kyle. his use of TEs is more like the utes, first and formost you are blocking. what proof do I have of this. look at the stats of the TEs at the U while he coached there. there is only one TE that really stands out Jake Murphy 33rec for 349yrds. another proof of this is getting rid of the TE coach from last year that developed Rex.

so Hopper when you say

you are correct there are plenty that can transfer in because we just want them for blocking.

got the stats from here

FYI hopper the faxes are coming in the mail to be emailed to you later.