BYU Honor Code- Big 12

Follow the Prophet, Follow the Prophet, is what comes to mind regarding BYU Honor Code. I am sure he has a say in it…i don’t always understand the reasons for all counsel and directives but it is up to me to follow. I am on my knees about such topics because one of my own loved ones is walking a wrong path. I know you good brothers do follow also…it just gets more challenging in these latter days…may we always Follow the Prophet…even if it is at the expense of football in the Big12.

It isn’t paramount for us to understand every facet of life-it is required that we show obedience and unconditional love to all. Somehow membership in the Big 12, although nice, doesn’t count for much in the eternal perspective of our existence. Sometimes, how God wants us to behave, is open to interpretation. If the Big 12 accepts us then we should all be happy-if not-we should remain full of hope and yes -happy!

The issue with the Big-12 brought this topic to light but it is an issue that needs to be addressed regardless. If these issues were not being brought forward, the brethren wouldn’t be prompted to seek inspiration on how to deal with them. BYU recently revised its honor code regarding gay students. If you look at the BYU video put on by gay BYU students, you start to get an idea of the challenges they have to face as gays of LDS faith. I am pleased that the brethren are taking this issue to the Lord and that changes are happening that will help the LDS gay student population which I believe they tallied at around 1,500 students.

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I am surprised if there are that many students at the Y that claim to be gay. How did that number come about? Where did it come from? How reliable is it?

Just like the 10% gay percentage of the total population. A myth,.

Well, I am trying to educate myself just like many of you are. I’m not trying to promote the gay lifestyle. I’m just trying to become informed and better understand what these kids are dealing with as gay kids that are of the LDS faith. The video states that BYU ranks as an unfriendly university for gays. As a Christ-centered university, maybe we need to see if we can improve on that perception. The video in the following link is a few years old but this source estimates there are 1,800 LGBT students at BYU. I’m not sure where they came up with this number but if I’m not mistaken, students can indicate their orientation when they register. If you wonder what life is like for a gay student at BYU, this video is well done.