How are you Sports Fans doing?

Marc took Jim Plunkett’s place. He would have had a great career but threw too many interceptions.

Floyd: I do miss the BYU baseball, I was looking forward to it. Not too much MLB. texcoug1492

I thought we were position to have a really good team this year…

I hope so. I am most interested in whether there is a real QB battle. If so who will be our starting QB?

Wilson. End of story… :slight_smile:

Hopper - You have to admit that there was a different vibe when Romney was in at QB. He did a great job in leading us to the BSU win. Yes, I know Wilson was solid against USC and Tenn, but I wasn’t impressed with him in the other games. I’m voting for Romney to start this season.

He broke his thumb. He also has a much higher upside than Romney. He has to start but prove to the arm chair coaches that he belongs as the starters.

Anyone catch that article about the antibodies study in the Bay Area that says the number infected with COVID-19 is actually 85 times greater than being reported? That would make the COVID19 less deadly than the flu. While you are stuck at home, look it up.
Seems it kills in a different way than the flu. Like SARS.

Actually the article said 50-85 times greater, and the sample was not a random sample so there needs to be additional testing done to really verify the number, but I think the general point is valid and backs up what a lot of us have thought already: there have been a lot more cases out there than the actual tested number indicates–people that contracted the virus but never had symptoms or the symptoms were so mild they didn’t realize they had it.

Nonetheless, the virus is devastating to some. I know personally two people who have suffered from it. One who was the first Wall Street executive to die of the disease, and another who works on the front line in the medical profession here in the Portland metro area.

More people die from the flu so any illness to some can be devistating. More people die from suicide and if the shutdown continues, that will double. Deaths from spousal abuse is up. Until we have better things to cure the symptoms and a vaccine, some will have to take more precautions. The vast majority should not be put through this dictatorships from mayors, governors and medical bureaucrats :slight_smile: