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The Mountain network was resurrected with Fox TV last night. For the first 28 minutes of the BYU-Utah game last night no matter how high I turned up the volume on my TV set all I could distinguish was noise. The announcers were incoherent and all that was discernible was crowd noise and red. Never once was a BYU cheer leader seen nor any one in blue except for the BYU football team. It appeared that FOX had one camera on on side of the field and constantly showed only the Utah student section. The announcers must have been resurrected from the Mountain because no matter what they said everything was incoherent. Only on BYU’s last score did I see a few BYU fans in blew, like one to maybe three at most. Even the officials were incoherent and down right befuddled.
If I ever watch anything on FOX TV it will be in the millennium or never,