[quote=“Harold, post:7, topic:10536”]
…the game never felt comfortable to me even though it was a solid lead most of the way it was never a knockout level for the blowout I was hoping for…well back to the big MAC to see if the home court can improve the defence.
As for defense, two observations:
KY is substituting so much, it is hard to get into the flow of stopping the other team. Case in point. If it is crunch time and you need your best FT makers out there, why on god’s green earth would you keep Keba in the game? Not when you have TEAM BEST FT maker Foos- don’t ask me, ask him!
2 When you are shooting 60% from the field and over 50%, defense becomes a side hustle, not the main gig, it just does.
as for the game
1 Richie for President! need I say more
2 Demin was a CARELESS uninterested point, 3 of the worse, no need passes that kept ASU thinking they had a chance. Keep that up and you will be watching Hall run the team in tight games…and those shot selections… Junk. Until Demin figures out his offense, he is no 1st rounder. OK, chill, I just looked at his asists numbers, wow-10! thats a first, welcome back to the "why, yes, I am a 1st rounder
3 Love Trey Stuwart’s infectious joy for everything in his life. he sits pine, never complains, could of gone to a lesser team and played big minutes but stayed and finally got KY’s attention, he is our 3rd best defender. KY trusts him in big moments. love it
4 In crunch time, Hall is more efficient at getting buckets over Demin, not even close. At 6’4 and a solid frame, guys bounce off him when he decides to go to the hoop, you can’t stop it and if you double, he will find Foos or Keba for a flush. The dude can get up, watched him go over 3 ASU guys including their 7’ center to get a rebound.
5 I knew we would out rebound ASU, they were depleted. We should have had more, a lot to work on
6 FTs- EL STINKO. It you want to win in post season play, BYU has to get that above 70%.
Knell, why not walk out to the 3 point line? you could do no worse. Foos is the only guy on this entire team that gets a pass, everyone else need to do the dreaded "Miss it and ya got to do bleacher drills…as a team!!!
7 BYU comes in as #58 on defense, some of that has to do with our high scoring offense (teams that are challenged on O tend to be defensive minded, BYU is not challeneged) But I would submit that KY’s Catchings experiment failed so Mag got the obvious nod and we have never looked back. So…disreguard the 58 ranking, with Richie and Mag out there, BYU is more like #25.
8 I sympathize with Bobby Hurley, he has sooo many players hurt, I am surprised he didn’t suit up himself. But these Hurley boys (Yes, I include his brother Dan over there at UCONN) need to take some stress classes or anger management. They will not make it to 60 if they don’t. Can’t be fun playing for guys that look like they are going to kill you any second.
9 People called this a trap game. I called it “a game where BYU just wanted to get out of there with a win” Never in question, but as games getting infinitely tougher, KY has got to tighten the rotations. We can’t be having Keba out there when the other team is fouling to stay in the game.
Or Knell when we need a defensive stop.
10 BYU’s 3 point shooting is elite! and on the road!
17-34 has to be a road record?
11 The refs were loosy goosy with the whistles, I suppose they get the Hall closelining (Best) or the Knell right hand shot to the face by Miller. Both are ejections. period. I’m OK with it in this case just because the game was never in question but HURLEY has nothing he can complain about, and why it is OK to bag on BYU (referring to the Az game) that the last foul was controversial when their best player, Love get’s a cheap call the play before and Saunder’s call was supposed to be a whistle swallow???
Does feel good to go down to Az and beat both teams, now we just have to beat UTAH with a total blowpout to keep them thinking about how much they hate the bluebloods in Provo.