ASU Postmortem-yuk

Sorry but I mistakenly put this in an “in game” thread. Should be out here in the open. Floyd followed this up with an excellent post. Floyd, maybe you could add it back on here for all to see? Anyway:

  1. As usual, J Hill figures his shizz out at halftime and his D comes out ready to play.
  2. D did EVERYTHING it had to do to put the offense in a position to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Again.
  3. ARod’s failure to compute ruins another first half full of weirdly conservative plays.
  4. Out of desperation, we open things up and the offense is great in the second half.
  5. Until……final drive: Jake overthrows Lassiter by 5 yards and is nearly picked. Jake has Jojo walking into the end zone unguarded and airmails it by 5 yards. Then on a simple 6 yard quick slant, Jake somehow—and I’ve never seen this happen as egregiously as inside today—throws it a couple yards high and outside when Lassiter is unguarded, for the game losing pick.
  6. We get a second last ditch chance, and Jake only needs to do one thing: throw it into the end zone. Nope. Two weeks in a row he botches the last play by not even giving his guys a chance.

Yes I’m being hard on the QB, but this was Oklahoma and Kansas all over again. Like he doesn’t learn. The QB makes the most money and gets the most glory, so he also gets the blame for just awful mistakes in crunch time, especially when it’s over and over and over again.

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that was ball game. Arod, so inconsistent

Now on to Basketball.

Arod inconsistent? Or Retzlaff? The plays called win the game. The execution of the plays determines the game. Retzlaff threw a lot of great passes today. A couple key ones dropped, again. Why in last series he threw a couple very high and then short on the Hail Mary? Perhaps he was fatigued and dazed from the hits.
The throw over Lassiter, he didn’t try to go up and get it. Same reason? Would he have possibly tipped the ball enough to not have it intercepted? I’ve never seen so many receivers give up on plays this year. Most of the time they are great. But…

#7 BYU lost that game because we could not rush the ball

Arid and Ratl are a perfect compliment for each other. If one of them doesn’t make a mistake …. The other one will cover for him by quickly making one!

We are doomed by the combination. Jake is not an accurate QB. It doesn’t matter how many passes he does complete because he can’t physically or mentally complete more than 60% of his passes. Not acceptable at all. His receivers are very talented but can’t rely on where the ball will be thrown.

Don’t get me started on ARid and the lack of TE’s in our offense.