Biden Mentally unfit

They are not legit and they are falling apart. The judges are clearly far left Biden doaners who have ruled unconditionally. They are falling apart and are definitely election political driven interference cases. Could have been brought years ago but saved for election year interference.

Right although these cases i sited was all pre-2015 they are democrat plans to destroy Trump before he even decided to run for office, who was a democrat during those days, gave donations to people like Clinton, Pelosi and other demcratic leadership…

Keep telling yourself that this is all bogus, when ACTUAL FACTS are against you.

The cases have fallen apart. But, go ahead and vote for the commies. It will insure the 2nd coming faster…

Almost had a civil war today. The promoted violence by Democrats and Democrat politicians including, BLM, Antifa, Palestinian protests on college campuses, radicalization in Democrat run colleges and universities, continued demonization and hatred by main scream media, social media promoting violence against Trump and MAGA supporters radicalized a 20 year old to assassinate a presidential candidate. The ultimate election interference by those saying Trump was the threat to the end of democracy has been by the Democrats. So, I do not accept Biden’s or any other politicians, media and Hollywood’s phony call for non-violence against Trump, MAGA or any other Republican. It’s because of them this happened. Talk about low morals.

Thank you Scott for proving my point on Fish’s post about the attempt on Trump.

You are no better than the democrats that you complain about with demonizing (radicaizing) the opposite side. You spew hatred and rhetoric that divides people.

I am done posting with someone who professes to be a good member of the church and follower of Christ, but your posts says otherwise. So, go ahead and posts your toxic comments, I will not respond from here on out.

FYI, “Facts” matter:
The shooter was a registered REPUBLICAN!
There is no evidence from his online media accounts that he was radicalized by any left group. That he even believed in the left ideology.

Remember Scott, words you posts MATTERS, How you treat people MATTERS! how you twist facts and theories MATTERS.

The shooter was registered a Republican but a member and donor of a far left radical group. How come you didn’t mention this? Because you aren’t listening to anyone but your own level of hate. Your post proves this.
After all the demonization Biden and the Democrat machine has attacked Trump with, their words and yours ring hollow. Calling him Hitler and the instrument for the end of democracy, I want to see real works of their shallow words before I’ll be gullible enough to believe them and you. There are already those claiming Trump staged this assassination attempt. At least one person has died so far at the hands of a TDS far left jerk who was influenced by Biden’s recent words that there should be a bullseye on Trump’s back.

Why do you think he did what he did then?

Did he just get up that morning and think to himself that he would go assassinate a former president?

Come on Floyd… you can at least acknowledge that some of the rhetoric and violent inducing comments made by left wing media about the end of democracy and the inevitable threat of Trump becoming a dictator just might have had some influence on him… along with the nonsense that gets thrown around on social media sites like TikTok, Instagram and others.

Of course it does. It affects everyone that watches and listens to all that crap.

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First, look at who I was responding too. That should explain the republican comment.
Second, did you read what I posted on Fish’s thread. Words MATTER! How you treat each other MATTERS! how you show respect to those that views are different MATTERS.

The reason we are in the state we are at in this country, is the fact that vilifying people for what party they belong too or if they are liberal or conversative and claiming they are destroying America is the real cause.

The problem is Floyd, it’s not 50-50 on both sides. It’s more like 99 -1 in favor of Democrats. It is the words. How often coming from Trump, other Republicans in the media and print do you hear Biden is a communist and an evil person? You hear things about policies and the outcomes of policies. But you don’t hear Biden is evil, a Stalin, and the greatest threat to our constitution and democracy. You may see it from 1 out of a 100 in here. But never fro Trump or his side except 1 out of a 100.
Let’s remember the “Target” remark from Palin. The Democrats claim she wanted him assassinated. But her word had nothing to do with that. Biden specifically said Trump should have a bullseye on him after saying he should never be President again. Others in the leftwing media and politicians said he should be taken out referring to assassination. And, it wasn’t just one remark nor was it condemned by Biden and his team. Even after the shooting, you have media, Hollywood, politicians saying things like “get a better shooter next time.” So, my remarks, even if they are over the top on occasions, is to stop your idea that the hatred with words and actions is somehow 50-50 by saying both sides need to calm down. The only side that needs to calm down are Democrats pushing false equivalency and the non-democracy of killing opponents.

One court case gone! The classified document case shows Democrats don’t care about the Constitution as Bragg never should have been allowed to pursue Trump. Same will happen to the conviction as the case should constitutionally been a felony federal case. And, the judge was immorally corrupt.