Extreme drought nearly eliminated in California in wake of atmospheric rivers (msn.com)
Beginning Dec 10, the Pineapple Express set up, storm after storm has bullseyed California, Nev and Utah. These “end of world” climate goofballs can’t bring themselves to say that the storms are game changers. What I dislike more than anything is when any data that does not fit their model gets discarded, The Woke who infiltrated Hollywood 1st has steadily leaked (see how I used a water related word there) into even the most sacred for them all, Sports and Science.
I am a geologist. I have a post degree in ground water. When these jokers talk about these storms being game changers but end the article stating, “the ground may be saturated but our largest reservoirs are far from filled, Shasta, Oroville and Folsom all sit from 42%”. They insult all of us. When they say that Lake Powell and Mead are at historic lows and that these storms have not had a big impact on those water basins, and yet the ground went from 2% saturation in Nov to 100% today, you can tell that someone is cookin the books. This is baloney. Last year, all of the West had little runoff, we entered the fall dry but after a winter that started out much like this December, with big storms, the atmospheric river shut off, by April, we were way below normal precipitation AND a dry ground that literally sucked up all the snow pac. This year, even if we did not get another drop of Snow, Notice I said snow, not rain, Our runoff will cause major flooding. and the runoff will fill Caly reservoirs. That same 200% to as much as 430% snow pac that you see in the Sierras, also sits in every mtn range all the way to our Utah and Colorado mtns. We sit at 200% and more. with a 100% saturated ground. Mead and Powell will not fill but they will go up 60 to 80 ft. Those aquafers will not fill because everyone has been cheating for years, taking more water then their allotted shares, but make no mistake, these rains are not only historic, they are game changers.
Next I will Write about how the Woke have baked science to prove their little beliefs that if we don’t change, the world will end. It has to do with a little chemical reaction: CO2+H2O+ Ca.