Dybantsa is the reason for the losses. Do you agree?

Jim was texting to me that the reason for our losing games is Dybantsa is coming to BYU and the powers of the world (NCAA) don’t like that. They think he should go to Duke or Kansas. Is there anything to this or is it just another one of Jim’s crazy big picture conspiracies? Enquiring minds would like to know. :rofl:

As evidenced by the replies to your ridiculous posts, enquiring minds are thinking about it and don’t give a crap what you wrote.

Like I said, you don’t see big picture and you misunderstand what i write anyway, whether intentional or just plain don’t get it, you enjoy arguing and that is always the bottom line.

Everyone on this board knows it and you can’t help it or change it, so there it is.

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You still haven’t explained your new outlandish conspiracy. Until then, you will look silly with your claim. So, just explain your conspiracy for all.

zzzzzzzzzzz… sleeping crickets