Hey smart idiots then in Utah!

Yet, God supported Moroni and others for 1,000 years of Book of Mormon wars in defending liberty, freedom and the Church. They did so by being prepared for those outside their wall of protection and from those inside that brought up contention against the Church, God and Liberty. Contention is all through the Book of Mormon and the Bible. The difference is what are the altruistic ideals of the good people and the evil people? Who does God support? I think he supports those who defend their families, neighbors, the Church, God, liberty from those who seek to destroy those things. And those who made covenants with God not to take up arms. But, they were a very unusual group of people not to be found anywhere else in the scriptures.

I think Floyd doesn’t understand the difference between defending the kingdom of God and being contentious. Romney is a wolf in sheepskins and he needs to be called out for backing evildoers in powerful positions like Schumer and Pelosi. Now, Biden and Harris. Biden’s boss King Obama was wicked with spying on Trump and others to retain power and destroy the Constitution while Romney is now supporting those involved in carrying out the wickedness of Obama and Biden. Not backing down. We see what the left has done shutting down the liberty of church goers around the nation. Restricting freedom and the rights to bear arms. Romney is supporting this. Calling him out to resign is not contentious. It’s the right thing to do.