I like this kid for more reasons than 1

cope all you want it was disrespectful.

Your comments mean nothing coming from where you are. I judged no one. But that’s all you do whether it’s Wilson’s Or Trump’s or anyone it seems. I have yet to see any righteous judgments on here concerning the topics. Jim usually gets it right.

Thank for your concern and respect, I grew up in a very toxic non-lds family. When I joined the church in high school, life was a bit rough for a while, I eventually learned how to separate my love for the gospel and how “some” members act while in church. I really don’t care what hopper or anyone else thinks about me, my parenting or my kids. What matters to me is how I feel about myself and what God/Savior thinks about me, everyone else is just spouting an opinion.

As for daughter, she is a good kid and a little confused, one of the best advice I ever got when she decided to leave the church was a friend that told me “Just love her, support her, be there when she needs you, everything will work out in the end”, then he shared this with me

“The Prophet Joseph Smith declared—and he never taught a more comforting doctrine—that the eternal sealings of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them for valiant service in the Cause of Truth, would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity. Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching out after them and drawing them back to the fold. Either in this life or the life to come, they will return. They will have to pay their debt to justice; they will suffer for their sins; and may tread a thorny path; but if it leads them at last, like the penitent Prodigal, to a loving and forgiving father’s heart and home, the painful experience will not have been in vain. Pray for your careless and disobedient children; hold on to them with your faith. Hope on, trust on, till you see the salvation of God” (Orson F. Whitney, in Conference Report, Apr. 1929, 110).

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Thank you Floyd. I needed to read that quote. Reminds me I can still be sad and at peace at the same time.

Again, you miss the point, I do not judge Wilson’s based on their success, I base it on how they “TREAT OTHER PEOPLE”.

Zac can appreciate all he wants of being at BYU has nothing to do with being a jerk as a person!


How you treat other people regardless of your success in whatever endeavors you have is the bases of my opinion about being self-entitled and arrogant.

Well, the rest of the posters do not agree with your assessment of yourself!

Fernk- most of us just ignore the Hopper. He adds very little to nothing on this forum about sports knowledge! He really just likes to argue about well …. anything! If some of you could just bite your lip and not comment when Hopper posts things that are inflammatory he might leave the forum and we could enjoy ourselves more!

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Totally agree with everything you wrote. Teach kids to separate how others may behave with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and develop the testimony of the Gospel. Again, I have 3 that are weak with the Gospel and Church and we do just what you do. Hoping as you do about the eternal Plan of Salvation. And, the promise President Kimball made about training up a child and if he/she departs, there’s a good possibility at some point they will return.

HDS again? Why do you attempt to silence people? Got that Harris bug in you?

I have been enjoying destroying him, but I don’t want to ruin the forum for everyone else.

For now Grasshopper you will get a reprieve, but remember to keep it respectful and not come after percipient children or their choices out side of sports.

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So, we can also stop the personal attacks on the Wilson’s too?

Do you know them personally? Have you had personal interactions with any of them? Do you have someone you know who has had interactions with any of them?

I believe the answers are probably no, no and no.

So your statements about them are not really relevant. You know nothing about them so you can’t speak to their character, personality or really anything about Wilson. He may be a really good guy and he may be a complete jerk. You don’t know.

There are lots of hardworking, “successful” people (as you label them so) who are complete jerks. There are good people as well. If you don’t know them personally, you can’t really comment on what kind of people they are.

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I would say the same about those who are piling on. All they have is hearsay comments.

For the very last time, what I said about that family came directly from “MY OWN INTERACTION WITH THAT FAMILY”. It is not hearsay, but actual FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE!

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I think Floyd got you on this one. Maybe you need to acknowledge it…

Well, maybe your personalities just didn’t mesh well together and you got different vibes than others have. They are notable people and have to be cautious. So, I wouldn’t take one person’s interaction with them and a bunch of hearsay from others piling on. So, how many “interactions” did you have with the family? 1? 10? 100’s?

“Interactions?” How many and what were they? Him trying to get autographs or being a jerk to them? I think it’s pretty bad when people pile on to those in the public like this without real knowledge of the facts. His interactions may have been during stressful times with them or other issues that he was having. Who knows. But why call them names?

We are told not to judge but we have to make small judgements every day regarding those around us. We have to be careful. I think there is more than one source that has commented on this, not just Floyd. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall all things be made true.

Haha, not saying that is a guarantee because there are plenty of people who would lie and they would do it in large groups. Just look at the Harris campaign currently.

I believe you are able to judge character based on a few interactions. You think I’m okay even though I give you a lot of crud. :joy:

Here’s the difference on judging. It’s one thing to have a personal view of a person and keeping it to themselves. It’s another spreading personal views about another to the entire world which is called rumormongering. I think you can appreciate the difference.

Ever wonder why some of the professional football players name their high school instead of their college when introduced at the beginning of games? Probably because the fans were rude to them making snide remarks about them and their families after they left. Zach should think about doing the same thing… :slight_smile:


Jim - if you ask Hopper to not comment about people or issues he knows nothing about …. He wouldn’t be able to talk!! You have to cut him some slack!

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