I like this kid for more reasons than 1

Cody Hagen played at Corner Canyons along with several other players including Zac Wilson.

He is 4-star all American Gatorade player. He has speed and agility.

But best of all, he is a good solid kid, who never thinks he is better than others (unlike certain Wilson’s from the same school). His family are salt of the earth type people, his uncle lives in my ward. He has a cousin that is special needs, you should see how Cody and his brother Cole make their cousin feel like he is part of group.

Excited to see what he can do.

BYU football camp: Cody Hagen’s plans, Jay Hill’s future, Jakob Robinson’s partner (sltrib.com)

Judging others again?

No, that comes from personal interactions with the families I mentioned.

No judgment, just experience being displayed.

But, you still are belittling him and his family. Wasn’t necessary in your comment cause that is what we saw instead of the good things about the recruit.

I found the Wilson self-entitled and arrogant, as well as many people that live around them.

You might not like it, but it is what it is.

You mean confident and successful. It’s really just perception from either god fearing people or judgmental sad frustrated people. Teaching at a private Catholic school, there were some very wealthy parents that sent their children there. Then, there were those who got some need assistance through charities to provide for those who can’t afford private education. I did not see the rich kids belittling the less fortunate. I saw quite the contrary. But, there were those parents that still believed as you do that financially well off people feel self-entitled and arrogant. I’ve heard Utah people are quite judgmental. I was there for 3 years and really didn’t see any of that. But, we lived at Wymount Terrace.

Wow way to put words into people’s mouths. next you will be telling us how much better you are then us

wait you already did. thank you, your superiority is noted and much appreciated.

that is awesome. I love to root for kids that are salt of the earth people.

I did no such thing. I’ll call out someone who is judging people like this all day long. I’ll ask what their basis of judging as well. For an attorney, that was a boneheaded response.

saying this with laughter and derision. You do realize that by calling out someone you are judging them right… right. no matter how right you are, judging someone will put you above that other person.

funny I don’t remember you asking that question, All I read above is you passing judgment

I didn’t know I was attorney. dose that mean your my judge?

remember those who point fingers have 3pointing back at them.

First, I have no misperception about people who are financially or even athletically successful.
How rich or talented they are does not mean a thing to me.
I have a friend that income was right around 1.2 million last year, he owns his own business, and he is one of the nicest guys you will ever want to meet.
Although he has “a lot” and I do mean “A LOT” of nice things, he is always the first to offer a helping hand for those around him, regardless of their circumstances.

What matters to me more is “how you treat other people”

I know some very arrogant poor people, who think they are entitled to things they did not earn.
I also know the difference between “Confident and Successful” and being entitled and arrogant.

Bart Oates, Kalin Hall, Steve Young, Gordan Hudson are some of those I consider “Confident and Successful” but what impressed me most about them is the way they treated others. Always taking time to help others (especially Bart)

Back to the Wilson’s, I have met the family, I have “SEEN” how their kids treated other kids in person.

I also seen the same behavior in the some of my saints here in my ward, where their kids treated other kids badly because they weren’t in the click. I have a daughter who hates the church for that very reason. Her pain is deep because of some entitled, self-important kids whose parents never taught them how to treat others.

So, stop judging me because you don’t know what you are talking about, because you have never met that family, but I have.

That’s my line.

I can confirm what Floyd is saying here. It is a fact as I have family who have experienced this first hand. It happens exactly like Floyd has stated it.

I’m glad my testimony doesn’t ride on that. I wouldn’t teach anyone to base their testimony on what other’s say or do.

Maybe now it does and that is good.

Try telling a young kid or teenager that.

Not so easy.

  1. Floyd thanks for the post. It’s easy to forget about the mission kids. Cole Hagen was a MAJOR recruit for BYU out of HS. Definitely has great potential at BYU.
  2. Zach Wilson has never struck me as anything BUT arrogant and entitled. The constant drama surrounding him since he left BYU has made me embarrassed to claim him. I’ve never met him or anyone in his family and am in no hurry to do so.
  3. You mention some of the greats from BYU who are simply humble, nice people? Add KVN to the list. I’ve had a few personal interactions with him in the football offices and he comes off as so humble that it’s hard to believe he’s one of the best pros to ever come out of BYU on the defensive side of the ball.

tlarimer - agree with you 100%

Are your seriously dissing on his child and their testimony of the church? That is low you should be ashamed of yourself… seriously ashamed. then to insinuate that he’s a bad parent. makes it even worse. its one thing to take shots at each others understanding about sports, but to take a shot that personal was low man… very low.

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Yo dude, I have inactive kids. None of them have asked to have their names removed. They don’t hate the Church either. They still have testimonies. I can think of some Book of Mormon kids who went inactive and attacked the Church to eventually come back with some assistance from the Lord. So, stop telling me that I don’t know what I’m talking about.

I never said anything about your situation, because I have no idea about your situation, and I don’t care about what is going on in your life. You shouldn’t have belittle his child and his parenting. So don’t use what is going on in your life as an excuse to say what you did. own that you insulted his child and just apologize.

@Floyd_Edwards I am sorry to hear what has happened to your kid. it is hard to see them reject something that is dear to you, because of someone else. I hope and pray she comes back to Christ.

Oh stop! You don’t know what you are talking about is my point. Stop being so judgmental. All you people piling on the Wilson’s because they work hard and have succeeded. They have confidence but you and others call it arrogance. Zack has been nothing but grateful for his time at BYU and help from John Beck. I feel ashamed by the comments in here.