If Utah held a press conference today, what's your dream scenario?

If Utah held a press conference today, what’s your dream scenario?

That I would not hear it or hear about it, especially on a BYU forum. I am not better or worse for whatever some other team does although the bad side of me enjoys their losses.

What do I care about what Utah might do in a press conference. They left us, by going to the PAC. They were the seventh or eighth pick for the PAC behind a bunch of Big 12 schools and maybe Colorado. Wow, no stigma there?
I guess the YEWTS take the money and run. BYU belongs in the PAC, but the bigots in the so-called “liberal” bastions of wisdom like Cal and Stanford, are not free-thinking enough to include an institution of faith like BYU in their league of liberal bigots.

u who? Don’t need to bring it up, not on this board ever.