As most of you know, I do not like either candidate for President, I think we had a better choice in both parties, but the powers to be did not agree and basically pushed the candidates on us.
What I have been watching is kind of interesting, I never believe polls, because a few years back, I had heard there was a movement among voters to never truly say how they voted on the exit polls. It had something to do with the media calling a race way early even before all the voters voted.
But what I am seeing now is a change in tactics by both candidates, one bad, one pretty good.
“Giggle girl” seems to be focusing attacks on Trump and never really explaining her platform when given the opportunity (think Bret Bair interview). This strategy has caused her in my opinion to go down in the polls. She in my opinion is falling into the trap of demonizing the opponent instead explaining how she will make things better.
Trump on the other hand has slightly changed his tactics by doing “town halls” with different types of groups (women, blacks, etc.) more than 'rallies". To me this makes Trump more involved, more caring about what they people are feeling. I will say he does not always answer the questions, but at least he “hears what is being said”. To me that is a positive thing, for far too long the people in the “middle” (middle class) has been ignored, that middle class also includes every group of people (voting blocs like ethnic groups, women, etc.).
I believe Trump biggest flaw, and which makes some voters rethink voting for him is that he thrives in “Chaos”, where most Americans just want consistency and calm.
I believe Harris was put in because she is a throw away candidate (much like Mondale) in order to get someone else time to move into the position. She has made some fatal errors like who she chose for VP over the Governor of PA. Not sure she is going to overcome those gaffs.
Will Trump win in a landslide? Not sure, but I think Harris is tanking because she just does not understand the everyday person, trying to make ends meet and provide for a family,