Interesting thought about the elections

As most of you know, I do not like either candidate for President, I think we had a better choice in both parties, but the powers to be did not agree and basically pushed the candidates on us.

What I have been watching is kind of interesting, I never believe polls, because a few years back, I had heard there was a movement among voters to never truly say how they voted on the exit polls. It had something to do with the media calling a race way early even before all the voters voted.

But what I am seeing now is a change in tactics by both candidates, one bad, one pretty good.
“Giggle girl” seems to be focusing attacks on Trump and never really explaining her platform when given the opportunity (think Bret Bair interview). This strategy has caused her in my opinion to go down in the polls. She in my opinion is falling into the trap of demonizing the opponent instead explaining how she will make things better.

Trump on the other hand has slightly changed his tactics by doing “town halls” with different types of groups (women, blacks, etc.) more than 'rallies". To me this makes Trump more involved, more caring about what they people are feeling. I will say he does not always answer the questions, but at least he “hears what is being said”. To me that is a positive thing, for far too long the people in the “middle” (middle class) has been ignored, that middle class also includes every group of people (voting blocs like ethnic groups, women, etc.).

I believe Trump biggest flaw, and which makes some voters rethink voting for him is that he thrives in “Chaos”, where most Americans just want consistency and calm.

I believe Harris was put in because she is a throw away candidate (much like Mondale) in order to get someone else time to move into the position. She has made some fatal errors like who she chose for VP over the Governor of PA. Not sure she is going to overcome those gaffs.

Will Trump win in a landslide? Not sure, but I think Harris is tanking because she just does not understand the everyday person, trying to make ends meet and provide for a family,

Trump earns a lot of hate because of his name calling and lack of respect for anyone that challenges him. Trump did NOT create chaos, Dems created the chaos by making up sh-t and two rigged impeachments.

Kamala is the least qualified candidate in US history. Is there any other candidate in history that did not have to earn it? No primary, just, here…Biden has dementia… take the money and run.

This election has nothing to do with Kamala, it has everything to do with “do people want 4 more years of Trump.”

to everyone in the USA. Check your wallets and vote

How many cabinet members came and went through Trump administration? A LOT!
How many times did Trump attack fellow republicans while in office? A lot

All that is caused by Trump chaos and had nothing to do with the democrats.

While I do agree the Attack dogs did go after trump for impeachment, that added to the chaos.

The reason that the voters in 2020 dropped Trump was because of the chaos he creates.

I addressed that.
2020 election failed because of 2 impeachments and other fake lies by Dems

No, the reason is egghead Democrats believed the crap from Democrat media and politicians that Trump failed on the Covid19. They blamed him for the spread which was not true. They blamed him for calling it the China Virus, which it was. That is where the “racist” crap started.

The fact is, right from the beginnings, the Democrats were out protesting in pink vagina costumes, rioting in many cities, Antifa and BLM were out in force causing chaos in the streets of Washington DC and many other cities. Then, the Russia nonsense and impeachments. It continues with the false accusations of racism and other lies Democrats spew.

That is how you looked at it, but from the research I did on the loss, the “Middle Class” voters said about the loss.
The things that were quoted in article are pretty much summed up as:
“Trump forgot who put him into office, his behavior is horrible, and he can’t stay away from his phone”. The voters got tired of Trump antics, they fell for Biden “middle of the road” crap.

So, your failure to understand is cause and effect. The impeachments caused Trump to respond in his defense. If people think that’s wrong then next time something goes against you, shut the heck up! If Trump can’t speak up for himself then you can’t either.

This sort of thinking is weak and prideful. The middle class ended up prospering because of the programs and the Democrats only heard negative stuff and got pumped into their head that Trump is a racist and says mean things. They got brainwashed that that is more important than the fact all races prospered and benefited from his policies and programs. The world benefited because of his policies and personality.

100%. agree. These people in DC know exactly how to deal with a narcissist. They are all out of the same mold. So they throw all these lies out there, the narcissist goes whacko. They just can’t handle criticism. So yes, his behavior put off most people.
Chicken before the egg

So, anyone who responds to personal false accusations and attacks is a narcissist? I think then narcissists are great people following that logic. What say you?

you have no clue what I am talking about, The impeachment had nothing to do with the tweets that Trump made, the fact that he went through so many cabinet members (to many to list) and anyone that stood up to Trump was gone…

If anything, the impeachment actually helped Trump in the election because everyday person could see that attacks for what they were “All Political”.

What most people want in a president is consistent strong personality that assures calm in the chaos, Trump stirs the pots just to see the reactions. If you want an example of what I am talking about, look at Ronald Reagan.

Are you serious? Do you even know what a narcissist is?

Narcissists typically exhibit a few key traits:

  1. Grandiosity: An inflated sense of self-importance, often accompanied by fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.

  2. Lack of Empathy: Difficulty understanding or valuing the feelings and needs of others.

  3. Need for Admiration: A constant need for excessive admiration and validation from others.

  4. Sense of Entitlement: Belief that they deserve special treatment and obedience from others.

  5. Exploitativeness: Using others to achieve their own ends without consideration for the cost to others.

They can be quite charming at first, but these traits can lead to significant relational and emotional challenges.

All the way over your head. :rofl: Thanks narcissist.

Fish was right about the impeachments. They were the cause of most of his tweets. Thank you Elon for buying Twitter.
So funny that you say most want a a consistent strong personality? Like Kamala? :rofl:
No, we want a President that is strong and will stand up to dictators and stop the wars. We want a President that will fire bad employees without having to worry about lawsuits. I’m glad he fired incompetent employees. They aren’t the President.