Is BYU harder to get into than normal?

This one made me laugh Chris :laughing:

There seems to be this ideology that we can be absolutely perfect without evil as long as it’s driven by Marxism. And, if you disagree, they will come for you and either brainwash you or kill you. In my opinion, the Church should not waste time with those that hold this ideology. It’s not saving souls.

I submit that racists do exist; but what is called racism could more accurately be called ignorance or insensitivity. I also submit that white liberals are the ones perpetuating systemic racism.

Agreed! They point their finger at everyone but don’t see the 3 fingers pointing back at them.

imo and just imo
in the usa today, much different than the various political spectrums in different localities around the world where things are very different, liberals/progressives tend to focus on systems, groups, communities, while the other side tends to focus on the individuals…

this conflict between where the focus should be is long standing and will never be solved because all persons are individuals who do belong to groups and interact with systems both as individuals and as part of groups/communities/nations/races…though races do tend to be defined by local jurisdictional laws.

Given my complex familial background I get a kick out of asking bureaucrats filling me into their boxes what their definition is of the various ethnicities or races their particular forms use…I have yet to meet a single one who can point me to the legal definition of any of them…

Essentially the definitional problem that President Kimball used to end the restrictions on Priesthood ordinations.

I agree with much of what you say. You did lose me at the end with not knowing what a person’s race is. I’m pretty sure I can identify a person’s race. And, how did you spin this into the reason President Kimball gave blacks the priesthood?

Not if they are mixed race… Most common ones are half black/half white or half Polynesian/half white or black.

Which race would they be? White? Black? Polynesian? It gets really convoluted is the parents are mixed race and the children marry another race

My friend who is white, married a Polynesian, they had 6 kids. When it came time to register them for school she put down Polynesian, because there are benefits to do that. Then when her oldest went to college she used the Polynesian race as a way to get scholarships.

I believe that is what Harold is talking about, because President Kimball mentioned in a talk that several “races” had a lot of mixtures in them, it was getting harder and harder to identify them as one race.

Of course there is more mixture of races in a free society. Pure white population is probably a minority now. Fine with me. But, I can still tell when someone has some African blood in them. Tiger Woods and Barrack Obama pretty easy to know. What’s more difficult to know is if Obama’s mother was white just looking at him.
In our neck of the woods, whites and Hispanic marriages have been going on for a long time. I nearly married a Hispanic girl back when I was 19. Imagine a mix of white, Hispanic and Mediterranean Jew mix. President Kimball was right and I have no problem with it. Should have seen the looks I got from both sides when I went on a couple of dates with a girl who is black. If we could just all see beauty in all people and judge on the content of their character.
But, none of this answers why it took a revelation to end the ban on Priesthood for blacks if there wasn’t one to begin with. What are your thoughts on this since young people seem to still have an issue with this?

You can do better than many of the folk’s then who have “African” blood in them…or for that matter than the church could back when the ban was in place.

Such comments truly make me want to throw up…

for a more accurate rendition of reality than yours.

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a Socialist take on the idiot politicians and the current democratic party.

Obama was bad for the Dems…Trump was good for the GOP…
Not talking my opinion of either just what the voting records show.
If Trump had kept his yap shut after November re the election Biden would be facing a GOP Senate and a nearly GOP house…
2022 will be interesting.

The election was stolen by the communist machine with bogus ballots pouring in from New York to Pennsylvania to Michigan and to many other states in the early mornings. We all know this. Had nothing to do with what Trump did or said.

In 1970, as a full-time missionary for the church, in Vancouver, B.C., while in a pharmacy, I read an article in either “Time” or “Newsweek” that predicted if Pres. Kimball became church president a revelation would come forth that would lift the ban on black men receiving the priesthood. I thought at the time, “yeah, right, what a stupid prediction.”

new circumstances
new questions
new leadership
all can and do lead to new guidance

Your point being?

Isn’t God the same past, present and future? Whose leading the Church? It’s all about revelation which is the rock.

In the presence of God all things are manifest (which means “made clear”), including what is past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord. That is a mind-blowing concept, for in this life, time comes to us in a linear fashion. We can remember the past and imagine the future, but we can only experience the present. And that moment we call “the present” is always, inexorably moving forward. But what Joseph taught seems to suggest that God is above the timeline, not on it.

Thus He can look “down” on us and see our past, our present, and our future simultaneously. This would explain one of His divine attributes, that He is an all-knowing Being. Understanding that concept is very difficult for us, for we are what might be called “time blind.” Therefore, we need to be cautious about making sweeping generalizations about time as we perceive it.

Joseph Smith said about God and time is intriguing: “The angels . . . reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord” (D&C 130:4, 6–7).

Time is a constant, but our perception of time is relative and can vary from one moment to another.

I’m well aware of time when it comes to eternal life concept God exists in. That scripture though is in relationship to the eternal commandments and His Plan of Salvation. The Proclamation of the Family and how certain commandments never will change. Like marriage between a man and a woman. Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve. Our world has embraced governments as the people’s god. The people of the U.S. are doing likewise. Who is going to stand up to it?

One of the more remarkable scriptures to ponder, when thinking of Our Father.
That you responded to the non-sequitor is impressive. That you got another non-response response is somewhat expected at this point.
All things past, present, and future are continually before the Lord.

New circumstances arose…specifically the temple in Brazil a country in which American ideas of race relations simply do not match up very well.
New questions…how to man such a temple…
New leadership President Kimball, which the article you referred to was commenting on.

All three things changed in this sphere.
So the Lord had the opportunity to give new revelation, guidance…
Else what use is continuing revelation, if revelation is not sought nor accepted?

Be interesting to be alive when the revelation is secured to have homosexual weddings in the temple and all other blessings are given to homosexual members. Maybe a revelation that abortion is ok.

last I checked abortion is ok…given appropriate thought prayer and circumstance… Abortion (

and all blessings are available to all members, homosexual or otherwise, including temple weddings assuming they maintain worthiness for a temple recommend…

homosexual weddings? I expect that would require a fundamental reworking of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s doctrinal understanding…possible but not likely…and definitely not soon. of course I have been wrong on many subjects just ask hopper or fish or any number of other folks on this board…:slight_smile: :worried: