It was announced today

I’ve been working and paying taxes, and gratefully try to give a homeless person a meal probably 3 times per month. I try for once a week, but usually, in my weakness fall a bit short. What have you been doing with all of your wealth grasshopper since November 20, 2020?


Some people are very narrow minded, but not you. You are very focused on what you want to believe,
true or false.

When one’s mind is so narrow in scope, it is impossible to reason with them.

New subject please.

Being our brother’s keeper doesn’t mean socialism. Doesn’t mean being self-sufficient is anti-Christ. It doesn’t mean the government nor the Church controls every aspect of our lives. What does brother’s keeper really mean. That’s your talk for Sacrament meeting Sunday :slight_smile:

You are talking in generalities. Pick one thing you heard on c-span that Fox News misreported.
Something you have to try and understand is that there are news reports and their are opinion shows. Hannity isn’t lying. He’s giving his opinion. He’s not a journalist and freely admits it. So do the other opinion people on Fox News. But, not so with CNN. They do not admit they are opinion persons. They believe they are reporting the news correctly.

Do you believe the January 6th break in of the Capitol Building was an insurrection? I’ve never seen one without guns with people taking selfies. Yet, I bet you think it was a takeover attempt.

Do you think God is narrow minded? He sets the laws and commandments and doesn’t give any wiggle room to question him. I believe differently. I believe he gives us direction with clarity and without a double mind.
So, you can say I’m narrow minded. But, I’m 67 years old and have had a long time to be clear on my beliefs and opinions. They fall in line with the Lord. For instance, I don’t tell gay people who want to know if they are sinning that they are not. I won’t give them false hope so that they don’t have the opportunity to repent. At the same time, I don’t go out of my way to tell attack gays either. I befriend all and wait for their willingness to want to know.

Ron thank you for the announcement from pack 12

And now why we are reading on this blah blah blah blah grasshopper off topic subjects don’t take the bait from him.
SG need to come to Utah and throw himself (Big juicy grasshopper) and Chris (Fish Cougar fan) will enjoy landing over three footer brown trout near his home. :slight_smile:

Stay away from politics which should be in there off topic s
Subject OK grasshopper

I didn’t start the political comments. Okay Drew?

It is not fixable. We are subjects of the ruling class. ALL politicians think they are kings and queens who rule over the common folk like you and me. There are elitists in the private sector but they are friends and associates of the ruling class and they work together with the ruling class to get gain, so they get a pass. The ruling class knows how to live life better than the rest of us. That is why they are taking away our freedoms and agency. They do that so they can tell us how to live, how to raise our children, what jobs we should do, what we should beg for and subsequently be grateful for… which is the ruling class. That is who we should be grateful for because they give us what they think we need. They want to control all aspects of our life.

When you think about it the whole concept is exactly how Satan wanted it when he rebelled against God. He wanted to force everyone to do it his way so we could all be “saved”. But God knows that isn’t how people progress and live the life he intended us to.

It’s a sorry state of affairs in our country and the world today.

Thank you grasshopper for telling me (what being your brother’s keeper) does NOT mean.
Now will you please tell me what it DOES mean.

Also, please tell me what we should do with the 10%+ of society that functions with an IQ below 75.
How can they compete in our hight tech society now being worked and controlled by those 142++++ I.Q.
college graduates.

Remember grasshopper, every job that these people use to be able to do, has now been replaced by robots that can do the job faster, and better and cheaper.

Robots require no weekly paycheck, no sick leave pay, No workmen,s compensation insurance,
no vacation pay, no maternity leave, and no retirement pay.

Some of the jobs that we use to be able to do.

  1. Working on assembly line building automobiles.
  2. Wrapping cubes of butter or margarine.
  3. putting stamps on envelopes.
  4. Washing dishes in restaurants
  5. Doing most any job, in the past, that is now being done by robots or machines.

When a person was NOT born with the gift of intelligence well above 100 but grows into an era
of High Tec for employment, that requires an IQ ability of 124+ for starters and beyond the 142 marks for the best paying jobs, what is it that those with IQ below 75 is to do without government help?

What is a person working part-time at a rate below $15.00 per hour, to do when the cheapest one-bedroom apartments run over $1,2000. per month; (California). Gas for your car is approaching $5.00 per gallon. (California) Food prices are screaming out of control. The cost to buy a home this year is 17% higher then the cost to buy a home this same time last year, and prices keep going up.

It is a fact that these poor people are the last hired. They are the first fired. They are unemployed, by no fault of their own, and they are most severely injured on the job, often leaving them unable to ever work again. I have seen this up close. I have worked with these people trying to get them to become more self-supportive. I also keep trying to get the rooster next door to lay some Golden Eggs for me like the story says, but neither is likely to happen, but we keep trying.

We have all seen the frauds. Those people are shameful, so what do we do about it?
Do we punish all of the deserving people that can not exist without government help because of those shameful undeserving people that fraud the system? (Do we set back in our comfortable homes, with our comfortable weekly/monthly pay checks and say that anything we do for these unfortunate people is socialism and socialism is evil so we should not do anything for these people? I do not see the answer to the situation coming from you. I only hear from you that any help for the unfortunate is socialism and socialism is evil.

Was the Holy Bible miss translated when it says that
“we are our bother’s keeper”
“Do onto others, as ye would have them do onto you”
"In as much as ye have done this onto the least of us my brethren, ye have done it onto me.
“Story of the Good Samaratan” etc.

It takes more than going to Church 100% of the Sunday’s each year; It takes more than paying a full 10%tithing; It takes more than living the word of Wisdom; It takes more than we usually do on a daily basis to truly be a good Christian. The way we act and care for others less fortunate then ourselves
is where we need our most improvement, in my opinion.
You can be a name caller if you are not intelligent enough to be a problem solver.
Call the system evil socialism if you want, but without help, before your name calling, tell me what you want to do for those not capable of helping themselves without help form those that were blessed with greater intelligence and natural skills?

J Coug.

I agree with almost all that you say in your posting. It all makes good sense to me. Thank you.

  1. I am among the few on this posting site that believes that if we could get 70%+ to get vaccinated for
    Covid 19. For the most part, Covid 19 Virus would go away because the virus, (to remain in force),
    must have victims to attack.

  2. I believe that taking the vaccine has become a political football.
    A larger percentage of Democrats take the vaccine.
    A larger percentage of Republicans find reasons not to take the vaccine.
    The politics of (being what’s best for the party, <Democrts/Republicans>, being more important than
    what is best for the country,

  3. In California, with some exceptions, we no longer are required to wear a mask and have social

  4. I still do wear a mask and I still do practice social distancing and from the start, I have had both of
    my Covid 19 shots. I do this because I want to do my part to end the Virus attack for all of us as
    soon as soon as possible.
    That includes all Democrats, All Republicans, All Libertarians, and all others.

I just wonder. When I got my vaccine shots as a Republican I don’t recall any question asking for my political party. So, where are the facts that say more Democrats get the vaccine than Republicans?

You can be so full of being holier than thou.
Let’s just take a portion of the public to look at how poorly socialism and big Democratic Party works. African-American ghettos in large Democrat Politician cities for the past 70 years. I don’t see any improvement. In fact, since Trump and his programs were trashed by Biden, they are getting worse again.
Capitalism has pulled billions out of poverty around the world, not socialism. I’d like you to find one statement of conservatives where we don’t believe in a welfare safety net for those that need it?
Just as a note, I have an uncle who was one of those under 75 IQ persons. I only remember uncle Gus when I was about 6 years old. His parents took care of him. When they died, other family took care of him. No need for the Government. Today, too many socialists believe the Government, not family, should take care of the under-privileged. Certainly nothing about the Government should take over our responsibilities in the Bible.