Pro sports are done for me... college could be next

Just some thoughts:

  1. President Benson spoke out (and wrote) on political issues clear up until he became President of the Church. Then he preached about pride, repentance, Book of Mormon, etc., and surprised us all by leaving politics alone almost entirely as Prophet.
  2. President Oaks and several of the Twelve have been barnstorming the country the last few years in a series of special meetings open to the public and meeting directly with political leaders, all on the topic of Freedom of Religion.
  3. Prophets don’t generally address topics because we think they should. They generally tell us about what we’re missing in the big picture and the long run. The members of the Church in Helaman, 3rd Nephi, etc. were running off and joining the Gadiantons in large numbers, so that is what they needed to hear. We on the other hand seem to be struggling with things like Sabbath observance, discouragement in trials, following the spirit and receiving personal revelation, etc. Condemning the other guy isn’t as important, eternally, as being on the right path ourselves and being prepared to face that which we, as a tiny minority in our society, may not be able to prevent.
  4. It’s pretty hard to deny that the Presidency and the Twelve have done an amazing job of preparing the Church for what we’ve gone through this year. They speak as directed by a higher source than this fanboard, or even PresidentTrump.
  5. Speaking on politics right now, whether it be President Nelson in conference or just me ranting like some of you with friends and family, stirs up anger, hatred and contention, which leads only to sin. It is that anger, hatred, contention and sin that endangers our freedoms and our Constitution far more than any political or economic philosophy or policy, bad or even evil as they might be. The only answer to our political woes in this country is for the American People themselves to repent and turn back to God en masse. Heaven knows neither Trump nor Bidden is going to lead THAT movement. So prophets (with our help) will have to.
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Excellent post. #3 I believe is happening with the younger generation. The evidence is what was happening in 3rd Nephite, loss of liberty and freedoms to express ones religious freedom as believers in Christ.
President Benson did talk about secret combinations as the Prophet. 1988 General Conference he spoke of this in our days in relationship to not only communism but the New World Order.

BobH: “It is that anger, hatred, contention and sin that endangers our freedoms and our Constitution far more than any political or economic philosophy or policy” Wonder if that is what the Jews were counseled in the 30s and early 40s regarding Hitler and his minions. Don’s think that just sitting back and letting the leftist socialists control our nation is the answer. That the entire nation and globe humble themselves and turn to God would be fabulous but that ain’t gonna happen under socialist / communist rule.

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Excellent points… You can’t appease evil ideology. I think we are seeing history repeat itself.

My point wasn’t that we should do nothing and let it happen. I agree with you both that we are in a dangerous situation, losing our liberties and risk repeating past very bad history. I’m shocked that so many Americans are embracing Marxism, which has resulted in poverty, oppression, and the murder of some 100,000,000 people over the last 100 years. I believe we are accountable to do what we can to prevent that from happening here.

My point was that there are important reasons why prophets prioritize what they speak about and where they do it. They understand that, as taught in the BoM, evil in politics is enabled when the people turn away from God.

BTW, this principle is not unique to the BoM or the Church. Many of the founding generation wrote about it. John Adam’s said that the Constitution was fit to govern only a righteous people. Joseph A Story, our greatest Constitutional scholar and longest serving Supreme Court Justice, who grew up during the Revolution, ended his multi volume treatise on the Constitution with this warning:

“Let the American youth never forget, that they possess a noble inheritance, bought by the toils, and sufferings, and blood of their ancestors; and capable, if wisely improved, and faithfully guarded, of transmitting to their latest posterity all the substantial blessings of life, the peaceful enjoyment of liberty, property, religion, and independence. The structure has been erected by architects of consummate skill and fidelity; its foundations are solid; its compartments are beautiful, as well as useful; its arrangements are full of wisdom and order; and its defences are impregnable from without. It has been reared for immortality, if the work of man may justly aspire to such a title. It may, nevertheless, perish in an hour by the folly, or corruption, or negligence of its only keepers, THE PEOPLE. Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.”

The American People have turned, or are turning, away from God. The only long term solution to our crisis is repentance “after all we can do” otherwise.

Twice in the Book of Mormon when evil infected politics, prophets left the chief judge position to declare the word of God fulltime. And it worked. Let’s not try to tell the prophets what to do.

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Excellent post with great quotes. Reading today’s Come Follow Me Lesson is interesting how the people divided up into tribalism. We see that today in the American society. Tribe ideology has taken over the Democrats where they refuse to negotiate and winning battles is more important than what’s best for the nation. And, we see their platform full of wickedness. Half the country is following it too.

Excellent commentary and posts BobH. Thank you for what you wrote.

One thing that can never be taken from a person is their testimony and faith. We have numerous accounts of faithful people losing everything but that.

Thanks again for your comments.

And we shouldn’t just do nothing. He said that too. The prophets didn’t in the Book of Mormon. You are right that twice they left their Chief judgement seat to preach repentance and Christ to the people. Repentance from what? Sin. Okay, what sin? All sin. And they didn’t care if their words were pointed at the Gadianton Robbers or the likes of them. Even the evil leaders. We will follow the prophets.

Excellent post BobH. And the real root of the danger in the nation today is the citizenry, the lack of fidelity to our founding fathers, the founding documents, the nation they built for us and to Heavenly Father. Shame on us the citizens of the USA.