Talked with a former 5 star recruit today

I had a great conversation with a former 5 star recruit from a few years ago. He ended up going to a university that is a top 5 school year after year. His insight was amazing. He informed that when he showed up to his first study session and pulled out his books to study he was told that he didn’t need to come if he was going to do his own work. He talked about how the program faces would also never go to class and somehow always end up higher grades than those who were taking advantage of an education. He was discarded by the coach after his trainer told him in person that he wouldn’t heal up for the next season if he played spring ball. The coach then asked the trainer how he was faring and the trainer looked back at him, then to the coach and said he would be fine to go. He was forced out because he didn’t want to risk further injury to himself and ruin his leg completely.

I love college football, but it is things like these that everyone knows are happening that make me dislike the game more as a whole.

Shame he isn’t willing to go on the record and expose this. It’s the only way to stop it, having people with integrity come forward. Otherwise it just sounds like sour grapes from a has been who fell short of his potential. “If only coach would have played me” seems to be the calling card of far too many who fell short of their dreams.

I am sure the ncaa knows this stuff, but unless multiple athletes make a story known and public pressure forces something to be done then they will look away. It is pretty hard to prove this stuff and not come out like you said as being sour grapes. If anything, he learned that he wouldn’t want to play for that coach now.

It was interesting talking to him about the recruiting process. He said there are some slime ball coaches out there and he met most of them.

True, plenty of low life’s in the profession, but let him know it only takes one reputable whistle blower to bring about change. A simple paper trail of gifts can bring down an entire program, but there has to be proof.

That’s right! Faxes, emails, texting, letters, recordings…I’ve been saying this all along. Instead, we continue to hear these sour grape stories from players and fans. Like, referees are to blame for all losses at BYU. Or, the NBA is crooked and so on… :smile: