To help people find some balance

Here my suggestions for dealing with this Virus.

  1. Turn off the news media! They sell tragedy for a reason.
  2. Stop ready Facebook posts about the world ending.
    3.Do go outside in the warm sunshine and feel the warmth of the sun. – My wife has always been a big believer in the healing raise of the sun and fresh air.
  3. While outside do some yard work and sweat a little.
  4. Read the scriptures to get balance in your life.

While you are studying the scriptures, check out these two very good “Come Follow me” Youtube video’s

My wife found this one on Jacob 5 the allegory of the olive tree. It is pretty good.

Aren’t we supposed to stay inside? If we cough in the wind the virus, if we are infected, could travel to our neighbors. Or, our neighbor’s cough could travel to us…
I’ll say what will be more deadly… the number of suicides from people out of work if this government control of production of services and goods doesn’t end soon.

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