Trump vindicated

What about the list? He was right and the Progressives have manipulated the young people for 60 years in the schools. And, it’s getting way worse. I stick to my belief that independent middle of the road voters and politicians promote progressivism by not stopping the Marxist changes that have happened over the 60 years. Progressives are Marxists. They push socialism and hide in the liberal social issue crowds like LGBT supporters and anti-immigration leftist crowds.

I don’t know about Donnie and Marie. But, I do know Elvis karate instructor was LDS (Ed Parker) and did teach Elvis about the Gospel.

I am happy to know where that quote originated. I actually own the Journal of Discourses but haven’t read much in them except for reference material for talks, on occasion, or lessons. You do have to be careful what you use out of them because I wonder about how accurate the transcriptions were of some of the talks. They didn’t have voice recording equipment back in the day.

The quote isn’t entirely different than the one I have heard for years. I can see where the idea for what I have heard for years came from. I am glad you told me where to find it. I get bothered about things prophets allegedly said but no sources are cited.

Karl Marx supposedly said “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism.” I don’t doubt those were two of his goals but I have heard it is just something he allegedly said in a speech but it can’t be found in any of his writings. If you read the Communist Manifesto it is certainly something you could believe he said but I like to have a source for those sorts of things.With the internet today it is really easy to fact check a lot of things so you have to be careful about the source of quotes.

Actually, there is quite a bit written on this where Joseph Smith states this more than once and it in the same words but the same idea. Brigham Young said as much also. Google it.

Marx believed that to overthrow capitalism, The belief in God would have to be overthrown as well. Lennin showed him how to do it with totalitarianism through Communism.

Hahahaahahahhaha, he was in my ward growing up, 4 houses from us. My parents were strong Birchers…I ran from that kind of stuff. Mom would read his books to us for FHE.

Most of what has been written is Hearsay, Especially Joseph Smith with the “White Horse prophecy”. It was reported Joseph said that in 1839, but was not “written” until 1902. There is no other established document Joseph ever said it in the first place.

As for BY, Hyde, etc… The common term is “was reportedly said”… Nothing is documented.
for example:
In 1855, Brigham Young reportedly wrote that "when the Constitution of the United States hangs, as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the ‘Mormon’ Elders to save it from utter destruction; and they will step forth and do

One source is your beloved Beck, the other is Journal of discourses.

In those days there was a lot of hearsay. Scribes writing things down. Some made it into the D&C and most didn’t. But many things were written by people who heard it as well. The fact is, today the Constitution is hanging by a thread because of what the House Democrats are doing. Romney is an Elder and should save it. But, he’s being a butt head. Non-members are doing more to save it.