Agree with you again! What’s happening! I’ve seen people get attacked because of jealousy. But, I see you having a problem refereeing against others and their kids which leads retaliation.
Did you? I didn’t see that. I need to be called out every so often as well. I get some of that with my calling as bishop but I’ve gotten past that now. It is no big deal. I keep trying to do my best and I care about people. I would love to get together sometime. The next time I am up there is probably this April for graduation, maybe sooner.
Keep asking and we will make it happen.
And I’m calling you out now! Did you watch today’s BYU Sports Nation? Did you watch the entire interview with Rose? He called you out.
I am listening now. Again, please tell me when, how and where Hardnett injured his hand? Why was it not announced after the St. Mary’s game? Why didn’t it come up during the game? When it supposedly happened, why didn’t one of the announcers say “Hardnett has injured his hand and will not return”… you know, like they always do when a player gets injured? I was watching Duke play tonite and a guy got hurt… legitimately I might add, and they talked about it.
You haven’t shown me a thing, Rose hasn’t been specific about the injury and how, when it happened… Nobdy needs details, so why it is so nebulous? Just show me some evidence of the injury. I am not buying it until I see or hear something.