Can you show me one post from you, Tom or whoever that has stated on this board a “Blow by Blow” of what happened?
So your post Chris comes off as a bit arrogant and condescending.
I have access to some people on the football side, but not on the basketball side of BYU sports.
Here is the rub, people especially fans of a sports team will put out their opinions as if they are facts about the team. It has been proven many times on this site alone.
I saw nothing that indicated someone had inside knowledge, but I did see a lot of conjecture based on news reports.
So I asked the question, What was the real reason Hardnett did not show up to practice early the week.
Second… Your classification of Emery as being a criminal is pretty outrageous, inaccurate and above all WRONG!
Did Emery get convicted of some crime? NO!, therefore he is not a “criminal” as you referred to him twice in your post. Talk about judging others… WOW!
Did Emery violate NCAA rules? YES! he did… He withdrew from school, sat out 9 games which is what the NCAA said was adequate punishment.
Here is the thing brought out on sports talk about Emery violation, it was reported that the father in law to Emery shopped this story for over a year trying to get back at Emery for divorcing his daughter. The only outlet that would pick it up was the Tribune after they initially declined (Knowing this is a family issue). Add to the fact that the alleged booster also is a close family friend of the Emery’s. So it was not really clear that Emery knowingly violated the rule, because it was pretty gray area (According to several sports talk guest analysts).
Was Emery stupid? Yes, he should have known better, but then again… I see a lot of stupid things by people in Utah that should know better, but still proceeds in being stupid.
About “FACT”, unless you are willing to site your source, it is still considered “OPINION” or Observation in my opinion. Sorry, I have seen some really good coaches get dismissed because someone stated their “Facts” which turned out to be false.
Coaches playing favorites is as common as the common cold. Coaches all over the world plays favorites for many different reasons and the ones left out complains. Fact of life, it sucks, but it happens.
Look I am not saying what you posted is false, but I take offense to being called out because you had more information than I did, failed to post said information and expected me to know all this stuff.
The timing of the “issues” with Hardnett and Hardnett having a hand injury was just curious to me.
Last thing, the real problem with sports is the snowflake athletes who can’t handle any type of adversity. Poor Harnett (if what you said is accurate), Coach Rose dressed him down in public… boo hoo… his feeling got hurt. What a shame… I for one is sick of the snowflake mentality of the younger generation. Hell my coach called me out in front of an assembly once… I didn’t go run and hide, I took it like a man, figured the coach knew more than I did, and changed my behavior. What’s funny? I was not even a starter…
If that bothered Hardnett, the kid does not have a prayer in the NBA… I knew a player on the Jazz back in the glory days… Jerry Sloan (Now Popivich) was legendary for his dress down of players, Stockton got it, Malone got it, right down to the 12th man on the bench. Can you image today’s players dealing with Sloan? They would melt.