apparently some moron decided to tape the BYU half time locker meeting through closed doors.
the play ( a senior based on his comments) was swearing and dropping the F bomb on his fellow players, Think he was trying rile up his team mates to play better.
you can find it “X”….
Apparently, it was someone who had access to where BYU was, it could be a BYU employee or ASU staff, the BIG12 is investigating.
Wow, what a great example for the Lord’s University!
Outside of the language, I thought it was pretty needed.
You would be surprised that it’s not looked as a bad thing in many Christian churches. Same with alcohol as well. An associate in the office I work out of believes he was healed by God from his childhood cancer and has a very filthy mouth. Other than that a very good person. It’s a sign of an unrepentant heart as Elder McConkie put it.
I think Bronco dropped an F bomb at halftime to rile up Virginia when he was there. I vaguely remember reading about it and it shocked his team enough coming from Bronco that it actually worked.
I am sure it wasn’t the first time somebody associated with BYU athletics has been a potty mouth.
All I have to say is go out and beat Houston, Dammmitt#%%<.
This sounds similar to what I encounter on occasion where someone is doing something really seriously wrong but wants to point the finger at these minor infractions that will be judged as way less impactful.
Like the convert my wife taught on her mission who went to BYU and had roommates make comments and complaints about her skirts being above her knee while those same roommates were sleeping with their boyfriends… or maybe the guy who is cheating on his wife and his friend asks him what the F he is thinking and people get more focused on the guy using bad language than the guy cheating on his wife. Maybe it’s about the guy who smells like cigarettes at church and the people who point fingers at him and murmur. Which one is worse in the eyes of God?
It happens more often than it should… anything to take the heat off the more serious issue.
Yeah well, Elder McConkie said a lot of things that probably aren’t relevant now, nor probably at the time he said them. Take it with a grain of salt because he said a lot of good things too.
Been there, had that happen to me a lot when I joined the church.
I am not one of those guys that think “how could BYU players behave so badly, they should be an example!”
I had a bishop that could make a sailor blush with his colorful language. Great bishop gave the Stake President a headache a time or two.
I listen to what is said and chalked to the person be competitive and wanted to light a fire. Could he use better words, of course, but this was in the heat of the moment.
The question in my mind is why does this guy think he needs to go to this level to get his teammates playing better?
You think that has changed? Why? Because he said it not in the 2020’s? I hear the same thing about those who say the things Paul said about LGBTQ stuff in Romans is no longer valid because of the science and knowledge we now have. Careful about making light of what an Apostle of the Lord had to say. How do you choose which ones to follow and not follow?
At BYU yes, but mostly in HS locker rooms. Doesn’t concern me. Plus if I judged Batty for his cussing I’m afraid I’d be crushed under the weight of my glass house crashing down on me.
So, you know something you need to work on. We are our brothers keeper. We can minister without being judgmental. We all need help in various areas, right? To ignore and justify bad behavior doesn’t help anyone.
Yes, you did. Easy to see it. This is true. But, I’d take his gospel messages at heart with becoming more Christlike as we are told to do. We are our brother’s keeper too. That’s why you are always trying to help me, right?
No I did not. Easy to see if you look at it rationally and objectively. I think it’s best to read and understand as much as we can and use our own discretion to know whether it is true or not. We are all entitled to personal revelation as well. I have never really understood or accepted others definition of what the “mark of cain” is or was. Frankly it isn’t really that important and that is why I don’t understand it. If we aren’t judged for Adams transgression, then why would someone be “marked” because of something Cain did?
So you see, lots of misunderstandings and unknown things were taught or explained by feeble men, albeit church leaders, and we are always receiving new understanding and light from Heavenly Father so the only person we need to listen to is the prophet. Come on Hopper, follow the prophet, he knows the way!
Okay, let’s disband the quorum of the twelve apostles and the seventy. We will replace them with cardinals, arch bishops and fathers of many saints of strange names for the priesthood. The New Testament was written by Apostles.
So, taking the mark of Cain as the example you used, the Brethren made sure that it was understood that it was their opinions. Some not so good either. But, prophets and apostles don’t have to be perfect either as many weren’t. We do know that anyone who would injure his descendants would receive damnation.
Genesis 4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
15 And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
Now, it says “everyone” that finds him will kill him. That either means he was placed in a state where he could be killed over and over and come back alive. Or, his descendants would be killed when found. The latter makes more sense. So, how would his descendants be recognized? A mark. To me, the only thing everyone back in the early church were definitely wrong with is denying the priesthood. Blacks were worthy and it took a while for the people to be ready for the truth to take hold. Fortunately it did with a righteous near perfect prophet. As far as Blacks being descendants of Cain, doesn’t matter and who cares. Those who are baptized are adopted into Israel. Of course, this is only my opinion.
I’d be careful to assume everything Apostles say is not accurate or correct.
Take note Fernk, he has moved the goalposts again. He is adept at taking things out of context, like the liberal news media does and then twisting it to support his argument. Like anyone, particularly me, is or was doing what he wrote here. It’s laughable.
Actually that is what I said. No need to move the goalposts again. Did you miss the part about a lot of good things too? Did you misunderstand that I referred to saying things that aren’t relevant now or at the time he said them? Some of it was pretty racist by today’s standards and understanding, that is why I said take it with a grain of salt.
So the same thing I wrote before was a bad post but now it is a good post?
I think you just had a revelatory moment about what I brought up. That you struggle to understand what someone posts and end up arguing everything as a means to better understanding. It’s a strange way to go about it but I am trying to understand how you do it.