Young has some schoolies to fill, who will it be

BYU Hoops Recruiting Notebook, 4/6: Kozlowski, Portal Targets, and More - Vanquish The Foe

Bio Blast: Oklahoma transfer Otega Oweh (

Stanford transfer Andrej Stojakovic down to 3 schools (

old news now…had hopes for Stojakovic…but Madsen got him at Cal…both Cal Stanfordites… Stanford transfer Andrej Stojakovic Commits to Cal (

Pope got Oweh at BBN.

Utah’s center, Keba Keita entered the portal after Burgess was hired Wednesday at BYU. Coincidental? Her can play both 4 and 5 stretch like Kalifa but with much better skills down low and can actually jump.

Dawson Baker was on BYUSN today. He says his foot will be 100% in a month. He can take the point to give Hall a breather. When both are on the floor, they will be a handful. Put Saunders and Fouss with a stretch 4, may be better than last year. If Robinson comes back, great core group.

BYU Basketball Recruiting Notebook, 5/17: The Latest in BYU Recruiting - Vanquish The Foe

looks like Young made a big impression on Chaz Lanier, the guard from N. Florida. I have personally watched this guy play. He would be an immediate impact on BYU basketball and a strong Big 12 1st team honors.

A week ago it was just Kentucky and Tenn. now because of KY, BYU is in the running. 15% chance

Maxim Logue, France
6’9 plays 4 and 5, elite athlete. visits to Oregon St. long shot but BYU is favorable. would be a project but could contribute in a bind, long term, he has NBA talent. 15% chance.

Berke Buyuktuncel, UCLA
Was supposed to be a break out star at UCLA, got injured and forgotton. 6’9 can knock down the 3.
Turkish, Berke can put the ball on the floor and has the ability to knock down the three ball. One industry source compared him to a modern day Toni Kukoc.

NBA potential all day, dribble and shoot. If comes down to Neb and BYU. YOu say, Neb??? try Coach Fred Hoiberg (of ISU fame) later NBA coach. At BYU, Berke could start from the get go with Waterman gone**. 50% chance**

Elijah Crawford, Former Stanford Signee
6’1 point guard, 195 lb machine. This dude can ball so much that Kansas has been hot in pursuit. If could come down to a bidding war but I like our odds considering that Coach Brandon Dunson is tight with this kid. He could play behind Hall or along side of him. BYU either gets Crawford or Lanier but not both. 55% chance.

2 of the 4 sign and BYU will light years ahead of last season.

I could ask but even the people directly involved
In the process don’t know what
These kids will decide, so I’m not going to call and ask “how it’s looking” with each. Lanier for 1 year or Crawford for potentially 3 or 4? Yum. We already got A LOT better at the 5 trading Keba for Atiki—and that one is not even sort of close. And I’ll predict right here that a healthy Baker is at least an all B12 honorable mention player. And IF Noah leaves, KY will replace him with Burke or with a 6’9” Euro who can shoot.

Oh yeah, and I also predict we DRILL Utah twice next year (in hoops).

No comment here about football. I’m pretty pessimistic but I’ll save that for the other board.

BYU transfer Noah Waterman picks Louisville (

Yup Nola is gone now to Louisville. Now we have five scholarship to filled right?

my personal opinion. Who paid for KY’s 30 million to coach at BYU? Enter Ryan Smith, the church would NEVER use tithing money for such a deal.

Who is moving the NIL $$ to have a big fund for BYU to dip into? HOME | The Royal Blue (

One of the reason’s Pope moved on is that BYU was lagging in NIL but with Smilth’s influence, it looks like BYU will commit the resources to land big time players. in the next few weeks we will see clearly if teh NIL money is intact. Also keep in mind that contributions to BYU are tax dedectable…talk about a boondoggle.

There goes another player you guys can’t bash anymore…Knell is next?

If the stats back up the complaining, is it really “bashing” or is it stating the obvious? inquiring minds wants to know.

Hopper knows that I became a big fan of Waterman as the season progressed. Certainly after the story about his mother raising a big family by herself and Waterman’s commitment to the game, I was the one to post his video and story.

I loved Waterman’s heart

As for Knell, Young had his talk, Knell didn’t listen.

Excited to see who Young brings in, he certainly has the support team/coaches to create great basketball teams

Byu gets its man. Elijah Crawford is going to be an amazing addition to Byu basketball.

Recruiting is great and all but time will tell whether the recruit will play or stay …

He will play. And he will be the point the following season too. We will be very deep this season too.

Yes you did (post the video). Maybe the best story I saw this year. Thank you.
So, to me, it’s all about upgrades whether it’s football or basketball.
Pope was great, but so far Young looks like an upgrade.
Looks also like every position is going to be an upgrade. Center, check. Point guard, check. The 4 check. I think 2 and 3 spots will be upgrades (was Johnson a 3? - maybe a push there)
Super excited about this team. Way better so far than any outcome I would have imagined.
So if still have 4 schollies to go – first, how many schollies can you have and did a lot of last years bench players graduate? Seems like given those who stayed that played minutes and transfers in plus 4 schollies must mean a number of bench players left, or?



Should be interesting to see if Steward improves with Young’s coaching. He’s got the talent, just not much confidence.
We need one or two bigs still because of the fact the new guy from Utah has an Atiki issue with fouling.
We need another 4 and a couple of 2’s and 3’s that can knock down 3’s.

#1 recruit by KY is Saunders. I really liked Coach Pope overall but could and will NEVER understand why Saunders, the most productive and efficient player on the team, played so few minutes. Oh yeah, now I remember—so that Knell could lead the team in minutes while being the worst defender on the floor and worst 3pt shooter in conference. Drove me crazy.

My hope is that KY recognizes the potential star he has in Saunders and makes him The Man in the rotation. I think if he gets 30mpg he is a 16 and 8 guy and makes all B12.

We have a lot of fire power both inside and outside. However, more inside players that can drive and shoot a variety of midrange shots. We still need another experienced 3 or 4 man that can shoot 3’s. We still need another big man as well. Oh ya, Knell can shoot 3’s. Hopefully, he’s working at staying vertical on his jump shot.