Before writing Trump off

So, now we have Biden. Is anyone better off in the entire world now than 2 years ago? Yes. Those who snuggle up to Global Warming Climate Change, Fascist Iran, Communist Russia, China and North Korea and Democrat politicians in Blue states. I’ll take the Narcissist.

Hmmmmmmm. Well I’ll be dam__d!
Floyd: “Have you ever had a business dealing with Trump? That in itself is the definition of morally corrupt characterized by improper conduct (such as bribery or the selling of favors).”
Me: No, I have not had any personal or business dealings with Trump. Have you? Thought sure in a previous post to Floyd"s comments (above), I wrote: “Of course, Trump is morally corrupt in many ways.” I continue to stand by that statement. I continue to stand by my belief and to me demonstrated often, that both Clintons and Obama and Biden are morally corrupt also.

Me: “Trump cares for the USA as a representative republic.”
Floyd: “How do you know this?”
Me: Because I have eyes, ears, a decent brain and the ability to think clearly about Trump’s policies compared to Obama’s and Biden’s policies. BTW: The USA is not a democratic republic. The USA is a Representative Republic. Although this nation utilizes many democratic (lower case d) principles, the USA is not a Democracy (upper case D).

Floyd, if you are a democrat, formally or informally - that is ok, I care not a whit. If you have a h__d on for Trump, I care not a whit. At least be honest to both sides of the issue. I think you bring up a lot of good points to ponder. Just try to be credible to both sides of the “argument.”

I do not understand the throwing around of a diagnostic term like “narcissist.” That is a clinical term that clinical professionals use when determining the clinical diagnosis of a mental health patient. I seriously doubt that anyone posting on this board has the clinical training and acumen to properly diagnose mental health patients. I doubt that anyone posting on this site has the legal license to pronounce clinical diagnostic terminology. I would just caution against the use of that term or other mental health terminologies. Of course, if you (the general “you”) just gotta, then go gotta.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to you and to all of us.

America is considered a republic democracy or, more usually, a democratic republic .

What Type of Government Does the US Have? (

Not sure what history book you are reading, but you are simply wrong on this point.

As for Trump, No I am not a democrat, nor am I a Republican. I am one of those “Independents” that both parties talk about.

My comments come from Trump “actions” both as a businessman and President.
Trump himself boasted that he will donate money to anyone of any party to get what he wants in Business. Go look at his comment prior to the 2016 election for verification.

As for President, I agreed with a lot of his policies, but I never ever felt he did it for the people, but rather to increase his “image”. When things went sideways, he always blamed his cabinet members instead of himself. What turned me off was his behavior which led to January 6th riots. Do I hold him accountable for what happened? No, but I do hold him accountable for stoking the fire that caused it. Without any verifiable proof that the election was stolen. Trump simply cannot accept defeat and being wrong. That is another sign of narcissist behavior.

I know what it means, I have had to deal with a “narcist” in my own family. Which means I have had to learn how to identify what is and is not considered in the spectrum and how to get around the issue with the family member. Trust me, it is not an easy task at times.

Several Medical Doctors on FoxNews have spoken about Trump and how he demonstrates “narcissistic” behaviors. So, I am not the only one that thinks that.

Live with one and you learn very quickly why doctors and therapists will tell you point blank, It is a mental disease that they cannot cured. Often passed on from parent to child because the narcissist can’t nurture the child in a normal way, always steering the narrative to feed his ego. Deprives the child of self-esteem and self-worth. The child grows up trusting no one. feeling like the world is against them. The word Empathy does not exist in their world. Putin and Trump would be classic case studies.

For the 3rd time, counting them - 3 - Trump is morally corrupt in many ways. I will say it again. Trump is a morally corrupt person in many ways. How many more times should I say it. Just repeated it in my mind 25 times. Hope that helps.

Don’t care if you live with 10 Narcissists, you are not qualified to bandy that label around. But again, if you gotta, ya gotta.

One of the perils of our society, is the scores of millions of armchair clinicians.

A Representative Republic. Representative in that we elect representatives to represent us in making decisions for our nation, Republic in that supreme governmental power resides with our nation’s citizens who in turn nominate and elect our nation’s leaders. Our Representative Republic uses many democratic principles in the application of how our local and national rules and laws are devised.

But label how you label, you’re gonna do it anyway.

Have you ever known something that others didn’t but couldn’t prove it even though you know it’s true? I think every converted member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints understands. There are sometimes you have proof but no one with listen or take you seriously.
This happened to me when I was a janitor at the Mission Training Center when I was a student at BYU. I was within a couple of weeks leaving town for good when the head janitor decided to move the leaders around and I ended up with a complete clown who had midget tough guy syndrome. I knew things about him and the head guy for 3 years. The midget had asked one of the girls on the crew to jump out of cake in a bikini for the head guy’s retirement party. One of his workers was getting married and the midget decided to talk to him like his Bishop and then some getting into sexual positions and stuff he shouldn’t be discussing with him. Both of these people told me these things. The person who I was working for had lots of dirt on him like the midget and head guy would go down to the cafeteria in the coed’s building and lust after the girls. The guy I worked for went with them once and never again. These two clowns would do this several times a week. Well, I had a run in with the midget and he tried to fire me. I went to the head of the administration part of the Center, who was a woman, and she set up a council or like a court. I had to stand up before her and the two clowns and a couple others and state what I knew. I was expecting the 3 persons involved to also back me up. But, they decided their jobs were more important and just sat there. Even my old boss, who was a really great guy froze. The girl had graduated already. So, I know what it’s like. So do you, right!

You know it!!! HAHAHAHA! That’s great Arkie!

Democratic Republic is kinda of a contradiction of terms. Representative Republic is much more in line with what the U.S. is. We vote but the majority should not be able to do as they please above and beyond the laws of the land. That would be mob rule. Something the Democrats attempt to do all the time.

Just because I don’t have a degree does not mean that I cannot identify a narcist based on their behavior and my own person experience.

People do that all the time, whether it is about mental illness or any other behavioral or moral issue

Your whole comment just described what a Democratic Republic type of Government is.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines a republic as “a political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines democracy as “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.” In other words, in a republic there are a group of citizens elected or appointed to represent the people, but with a democracy the power is theoretically in the hands of usually all voting citizens. A democratic republic is a mixture of the two.

The only reason that you debate me on this is because of your distain for me. The fact that in all the history books for the last 200 years, as well has all the civic classes ever taught. have described our form of Government as Democratic Republic supports what I am saying.

Sorry you don’t understand our form of government.

LOL, then you do not understand what form of government we have.

Before making comment like these, I would advise you to actually google “what form of Government does the United States use”.

Sounds narcissistic a bit Floyd :joy:
Most people have some narcissism in them. That’s why there are so many lawyers.

No, just making sure the “truth” is told.

Narcissism has a wide spectrum, just like Autism, there are many forms and various ways it can be demonstrated.

Floyd: “No, just making sure the “truth” is told.”
Me: Oh, Mr. Floyd, I, er . . . I didn’t know you are the truth knower and teller. I am so sorry. I . . . uh, . . . I apologize. To be the truth-teller, you gotta be all-knowing. Oh, for Heaven’s sake, forgive me. Oh please. (bowing low, back away and then running away fearfully).

Arkie, my brother, you are 100% wrong. Normal people go about their lives getting along, trying to find harmony and to make life better for everyone. We receive a gift; we feel obligated to return the favor. We try to SEE the other person’s point of view and defuse arguments. Narcissists will only do any of the above mentioned things only if it gets them what they want.
In a family setting, a true narcissist is after that perfect little family look but inside, there is massive abuse going on with both the spouse and especially the children. Once they get away from the abuse and with plenty of therapy, to a one, they will all tell you, “I thought I was the causing the problems”.
the sad thing is the children for the most part grow up magnifying narcissism because that is the way they were brought up. They know NO Other way to cope.
9 Telltale Traits Of A Narcissist (
The Spectrum goes from mild or few tendencies to full on True Narciss mode. As I pointed out, therapists ALL will tell you that there is no cure.

Here’s the other deal, All people that come in contact with narcissists either figure it out and get them completely out of their lives, problem solved or…They learn to modify their own lives (As Floyd pointed out) because they are not going to change the Narcissist.

This week I changed the brakes on my car, fixed a heater, got an old tractor running again. I am not a mechanic but I grew up on a farm and Every farmer I have ever met would go broke if they hired out the million things that break on the farm. Are they professionals? Nope, are they ridiculously knowledgeable about everything farming from seeds to automobiles, YUP. Today life is easy because we all have YOU TUBE. In the old days, we all shared information at our cafe. Someone 100% of the time had fixed the problem that you were faced with. Networking, most of my friends are professionals at something I am weak at, it’s just a call away. Oh, Narcissists don’t have a lot of friends, if any. Duh. Oh, Narcissists also will never acknowledge that they are Narcissists. Dud. Its always someone else’s fault. Right.

Back to the subject. Is Trump a Narcissist? Classic.
By age 60 are people coalified to diagnose narcissism? Yes, or they deserve the Darwin award. Hahahahaha

A “democratic republic” is just like “democratic socialist.” Terms made up to suit particular purposes. Terms like, “non-binary,” and “homophobic.” And others made up daily by the socialist, woke “community.” Of course, though, I am turtle phobic.

Except for the fact that High School Civics and History classes has taught for the last 50 plus years (that I know of personally) is that our government is a “Democratic Republic” form.

Webster’s Definition of Republic: " a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law".

I’ve also heard that we are a Constitutional Republic.

We are as we have a Constitution that directs (supposed to anyway) our federal government.