Biden Mentally unfit

If you really study Biden’s history you are being duped. The man is a full on narcissist who is also a racist, Jew hater, immoral person as well who only thinks of what is expedient for him in the moment. Today, who knows who is actually running the Government into the ditch. But the immorality of wokeism didn’t start with Biden as president. It began with Obama as president and has fast forward under Biden to where in many places you are breaking the law by using the wrong words to describe gender of people. Kids are being expelled for calling girls, girls or boys, boys as young as 5 years old. Porn and drag queens being allowed in Biden’s word to influence young children and teenagers. Biden’s world where parents don’t eat so their children can because of Bidenomics. A world on fire again with wars and rumors of wars happening. Where leaders of friend and foe disrespect the U.S. and laugh at us because of our weakness.

If Biden is replaced, will any of this change with their pick or just get worse with true leftist extremist dictators? Trump is no Saint. Neither was Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Lincoln and many other narcissist immoral racist leaders of America. But, they have had their Temple work done for them. And we revere them for what they did while President with the Congress and Supreme Court they had to work with. I threw Franklin in because of his huge influence for the beginnings of the country. He used to stand in his second floor home naked in front of the window.

Trump didn’t have full control of Congress and spent all 4 years fighting to stay as President because of immoral Democrats in Congress with bogus claims of impeachment. Yet, he gained control of the border, ended a bad economic policy for the Americas, kept Iran and other terrorist countries from controlling the oil supplies keeping new wars from starting and prices of food, goods and services low, and a lot more good than bad by miles. Then, Biden again blew all that up and began imprisoning his political opponents including trying to jail Trump and interfere with the 2024 election. All with again lies about him and his past history.

What you’ve heard about Trump is mostly lies and fabrications. I just won a debate on a forum where the underage stuff with girls and Epstein is being floated again. I studied this from multiple sources and found once again fabrication of all events. No proof nor evidence of any of it. The so-called girls were more of the Kavanaugh ones trying to make a buck. Where there’s smoke there’s fire only works if the smoke is actually coming from the same fire. Now, is he a womanizer like so many of our great presidents have been? Yes! Do we know the full story on his last wife and why she divorced him and why Trump ended up with his current wife? No you don’t! Neither do I.

So, what do you want in our next president? One that will build a strong constitutional republic? Or a strong top down destruction of our individual rights and the entire constitution? Do you want a strong America or a weak America? Do you want a strong military or a weak military and a safe one? Here’s a bit from a podcast a day or two ago you might enjoy.

I have heard plenty of people say, “I can’t vote for either person” They are morally corrupt. To this I answer, “So, you are voting for Biden”.

If you can’t see through this weak excuse, then you are stuck in a small window of the big picture.

A President is responsible for a number of things that I will list off the top of my head.
1-The nation’s security
Trump called out China on Trade and blew up a lot of bad dudes on the tarmac that effectively closed the door on the Caliphate and terror. sending a shock wave to the world.
Biden is in bed with China! Allowed Putin to invade Ukraine, would of NEVER happened under Trump.
2- Got 3 conservative justices on the court!!! who promptly overturned Roe vs. Wade. Trump has said many times, those decisions belong to the STATES. something I truly believe in. Trump finally did what we as LDS have been wishing for for decades.
3- called out the liars on Global Warming and the totally made up war on oil. Stood alone. Bottom Line, does not matter what you or I think about global warming. People know that EVs only work in big cities, can’t afford them, don’t want them. Big bad me…I drive a prius. works everywhere.

4- the border: Dems will do anything for a vote. It backfired.

5- The Trans thing. Can you look me in the eye and say that there is ANYTHING GOOD about a Trans man competing against a woman?

6- The China virus? Trump was 100% right from day one. Biden and Fauci in bed all the way.
Chinese virologist says Fauci emails ‘verify’ her lab leak claims (
Blue cities shut down, SHUT DOWN, ruined so many lives. 6’ rule, total lies! Found out today that there were 8 synthetic markers in the Covid strain. stats- A billion to one that covid was created in a lab.

Sooooooo, Trump is a Ahole Narcissist. I plugged my nose and voted for him twice. Vs. Clinton, no brainer. Biden, again a no brainer. And here I sit after telling plenty of folks that I could not support Trump after the Jan 6 bull sh-t. would of hoped that Nicki Haley was the frontrunner but we don’t get that choice.

I’m voting for my values

this country can not withstand another 4 years of Biden, by the way, Dems always known that Biden would not last a 2nd term. Harris would be sworn in after a short period and Obama gets his legacy and hopefully a 2nd term for Harris.

I hear a lot of church members say they don’t understand how a church member can vote for Trump based on his womanizing. As a church member you can ask yourself if you should vote for a man whose morals are at odds with LDS standards but whose policies and record of governance much more closely align with the values of our church as opposed to the policies of Biden and Democrats in general, or should you vote for a man whose policies do not align with the beliefs of our church? I will choose Trump every time.

Some people try to tell me Biden is such a good family man and good Catholic. I think that is largely rubbish. The press has never had any interest in Biden the man beyond their narrative. They have no interest in his enriching himself and his family through his past political offices.
They have no interest in his past friendship with Senator Robert Byrd who was a KKK member or his past racist remarks. They have no interest in the Tara Reade story. Simply put the press has never cared about Biden’s warts and have hidden them along with his dementia. They kept him
off the campaign trail in 2020 because he was already in mental decline they just couldn’t hide him after he was elected.

A question is, how has he been morally the past 10 years? Does he have appeared to have repented and is adhering to his marital vows? The morals that Biden and the Democrats are pushing on the Church, the children and how they are treating women with transgender in sports and more. The world is not safe with Democrats controlling America.

you call it a weak excuse, others call it “practicing what you preach on Sundays”.

What you forgot to list in Trump presidency is:

  1. Chaos within the administration, constant hiring and firing. One day they are the best in the world at what they do, the next day they are the worse human beings in the wold.
  2. He fought with the Republican majority that stopped a lot of good things from happening.
  3. He was told by several sources not to take documents from the white house, and yet he thought he was above the law. Then refused to return them.
  4. Could not accept the election results and got many of his cronies to try to overturn the election result. That is a big one for me. Was there some irregularities? yes, but Trump and his cronies never produced any valid evidence it was “stolen”.

Let me ask you a question:
When did Utah change the way you voted for the GOP nominee for President in the primaries?

Oh yea this year, when they said the only way to vote was to go to the caucus meetings. Why did they change the rule at the last minute? wasn’t this what Trump complained about in 2020?

The reason they changed it was that the majority of GOP voters would have gone with Halley and not Trump,. The GOP machine wanted Trump, so they fixed it so he would win.

My point to this is that there were better choices for the nominees, Who would had the same policies as Trump without the baggage.

So I sit here thinking, “just how many hypocrites are out there that complained the election was stolen in 2020 and yet, four years later the Trump MAGA group is changing the rules for how the GOP votes for their nominee?”. hmmmm….

How many good mormons gets up and says “I believe in the gospel of Christ” and yet, vote for someone who is morally and ethically corrupt?”

What we are moving into is the phase in the BOM where people are divided up into their “groups” where they can only see their view of the world and won’t accept that someone might see things differently.

Practice what we learn on Sundays. You mean not judging others? Forgiving their trespasses against you? Patience? Love unconditionally?

  1. What’s new? Same has and is happening in the Biden-Harris administration. I would hope people get fired when it comes to national security. Drain the swamp Trump but don’t fire anybody. Ridiculous Floyd.

  2. No Floyd. The Republicans you are referring to are the swamp. There wants were just more of the same crap of the deep state. Trump was hired to drain it and stop the good old boys club. Ridiculous Floyd.

  3. He was the President and can declassify documents anytime. And, all Presidents have taken stuff. Even Vice-presidents and secretary of state’s. Yet, no crimes being levied against Biden and Hillary. They were locked up and not in the garage or on unsecured email servers. Ridiculous Floyd.

  4. Wait, you agree there was cheating going on yet you don’t agree Trump as President can’t challenge results? Any candidate by law has the right to challenge election results. Ridiculous hypocrisy Floyd.

Regardless on whether there are better people to run for President, Trump won the delegates. Are you claiming the privilege to challenge the results of the elections? :rofl:

We will need both houses of Congress as well. The best thing Republicans can do is vote for Trump and all Republicans running for Congress. The best thing for the country and the world today for Democrats and independents is change the Biden-Harris-Newsom woke and communists directions.

That is turf of Narcissism and the reason why I would prefer different options/candidates. Our argument should be about who we vote for on election day. For anybody to “take the high road” and vote for a 3rd party candidate or vote for their wife (as I have heard from some), that person is voting for BIDEN.

There were better choices but the majority chose Trump/Biden.

Can’t help you there bud. It is what it is. But what I can do is point out that Today we are faced with 2 choices. Choose 1 or the other or waste your vote.

I also have a thought or two about what is ruining America…What is the true cancer in the system:

It is not so much presidents but life time bureaucrats and Congressmen/Senators LIFERS that get in and amass massive wealth and power without term limitations. Obama understood this and FIRED everyone, putting his guys in, then worked hard to get Biden, now Harris to keep his legacy alive. Trump was such a naive 1st timer. He will go in with wide eyes open and lop off these blood suckers.

Going to be a crazy 12 months ahead.

2nd thought: This has been going on since we became a nation
Adams vs. Jefferson: The Birth of Negative Campaigning in the U.S. | Mental Floss

Jefferson became one of our GREAT presidents, the framer of the declaration of independence and also buying the Louisianna Purchase giving the US all of the lands from the Mighty Mississippi to the Pacific…and yet he had slaves and fathered children by his house slave. Sally Hemings. we would view him corrupt from that point of view and yet, there he sits next to Linchn and Washington.

The Hemmings affair has been questioned. It could have been Jefferson’s brother who fathered Sally Hemming’s child. This whole thing was floated by Clinton supporters who used it to excuse his behavior during his impeachment because he was serviced by Monica Lewinsky.

Jefferson’s survivors have vehemently denied the affair and have cited their own evidence. He may have had an affair with Hemmings and he may not have. The mainstream media back in the day insisted he did based on the DNA evidence which could have been the DNA of another Jefferson. Most of the general public accepted the story. I never have because I am skeptical by nature. I became especially skeptical when the mainstream reported the story right in the middle of the Clinton impeachment, however, I do get your point.

It has also been popular in recent decades to trash The Founders. It is part of the cancel culture movement to destroy the traditions and culture of the country and rewrite the US history.


I agree with you completely. I’d also add the leftwing media to a great extent for the problems we have today. They kept the Hunter laptop away from the public along with the corrupt politicians both Democrats and Bush Republicans in Congress.

I have read extensively on Jefferson. I have read his many letters with Washington, the back and forth about Slavery. Jefferson believed in the currency of Slavery while Washington believed in the currency of Land. I have been to Washington’s place at Mount Vernon, He practiced composting because tobacco depleted the soil after a couple of harvests and Tobacco was the most important crop in the world at the time and the reason why England went to war. I have been to Jefferson’s Montecillo. he had great love for Sally but can you imagine what his life would of been like if he proclaimed his love for her ??? I have been to his home in Philadelphia, touched the desk and chair that he sat in to write the Declaration of Independence.

Washington, Jefferson and Franklin are the reason why we have a United States of America.

I have no problem with our founding father’s and their part in slavery because I understand life through the lens of the world in the 1600s. There were many more Whites in Slavery or debt bondage at that time. That sort of thing has been going on since man has been keeping records.
Debt bondage - Wikipedia

I will end this by saying. Every single person that lives in this great country should go to Wash DC and spend a week going to the historic places. Where Linchn was murdered (Ford’s Theater), Mount Vernon, Arlington, The Oblisk or Washington monument, Between the monument and our Capital are the 12 Smithsonian museums. They are free to the public
I could spend a day in the museum of natural history alone. the Hubel and our rockets to the moon as well as a display of Amelia’s Erhart’s flights, the Wright Brothers. It’s all there and Free
Smithsonian Institution - Wikipedia


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YeeHaaaaa!!! :rofl:

If it weren’t for Satan there would be no reason for this earth and our progression. Go Satan! Yee Haaaaa!!!

Let’s settle down here. No evil or naughty behavior is good and never will be. The Founding Fathers were not prophets. They were inspired “of” God. Not by God. They did what needed to happen so the Church would be restored to the earth. Good is still good and evil is still evil. We have to choose bad, good, better and best all the time to get better. Right now America is bad. So, if Trump is good to move the country to better even with his past, then better to choose Trump than bad Biden and their commie directions.

Whew!!! Time for a nap! YeeHaaaa!!! :rofl:

Just like the oligarchs of the Democratic Party tried to get Trump off the ballot in something like 30 states…because they love and want to defend democracy soooo much…they didn’t allow any debates and limited the ballot choices, or simply canceled primaries, for democratic party voters this year…if they hadn’t Biden would still have been competing in primaries into June…the emporer’s clothes might have been revealed in time for someone else to have actually won enough convention delegates to force a convention vote…not something the party has wanted or allowed since the mess of Chicago in 68

The administrative state, ie the DC bureaucracy, is by far the largest limit on the future of a positive American future…US Code meaning laws passed by Congress roughly 60,000 pages, Code of Federal Regulations meaning rules (laws) passed by administrative bureucrats is nearing 200,000 pages…
The Supreme Court this year passed three decisions that will cut back on the administrative state considerably.
Jarkesy v. SEC case found that Americans have a 7th Amendment right to a jury trial instead of just anteing up when the bureaucrats say pay up because you voilated our interpretation of the US Code.
Loper Brite case overturned Chevron meaning the bureaucracy must defend their interpretations instead of judges just basically saying the bureaucrats said it so it must be true. The bureaucrats still have Skidmore but at least now the scale of justice is not weighted for them.
Corner Post v Federal Reserve reset the timing of the statute of limitations on the federal bureaucrats. Instead of 6 years from when they instituted their regulation, the 6 years begins when the harm first accrues on the particular plaintiff. Once again the experts in the bureaucracy and their DoJ attorneys still have expertise on their side, but at least new plaintiffs have a chance.

I wouldn’t believe Fawn Brodie on Jefferson any more than I believe her on Joseph Smith.
The DNA evidence shows Sally’s children were from a Jefferson, not Thomas…

Brodie’s historical writing is a passing reference in historiology these days. The mud she dug up on TJ, and the interpretations she made of Joseph Smith’s history are basically the only thing she has left…

I never believed the Hemmings story. It was dead for decades until the Clinton presidency. I always questioned the timing of it popping up again when a serial adulterer and accused rapist occupied the White House who happened to be a Democrat that all the liberals in the press and academia loved.

Doing an internet search you can find plenty of well written articles questioning the story based on lack of evidence outside the DNA evidence which indicates Jefferson’s brother could have been the daddy.

We both know that there is virtually no chance of that happening in California.

Even with Trump, this country is headed down the road to socialism in preparation for the second coming. The world will be unified in some way so that the Savior can reign.

O one knows when the Lord will come again except the Father. That means we still can delay this because of our agency. Never give up.

I went to a Fourth of July celebration today - it was performed by the members of the local Playmill Theater. It was extremely moving and emotional. Amazing patriotic performances about America and highlighting the sacrifices of our military members.
As couple of take-a-ways/thought provokers:
A collage of pictures about 9/11 including an emotional Pres Bush. Also a 2 minute long speech regarding liberty by Pres Regan. There was also a reading of what happened to many signers of the Declaration of Independence.
D*** I miss Pres Bush. D*** I miss Pres Regan. They were good men and very good presidents.
The morality of the Declaration of Independence signers is off the charts compared to the vast majority of today’s politicians, especially our two candidates for Pres. Morality is not just keeping wedding vows, it is much, much more. These signers signed their own death warrant for Freedom and Liberty and love of country. They were educated and many were wealthy, yet they risked everything and many lost all they had, including their lives. That’s morality. Does anybody really think that Biden and Trump would EVER do the same? These are not moral men. I do not believe their interest in our country is greater than their interest in their own selves.

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If you haven’t noticed, Trump was a billionaire. The cost of the trials and the attempt by a corrupt judge is trying to take Mar-a-Lago from hundreds of millions of dollars in value to 28 million or some ridiculous under value? The trials themselves are costing a couple hundred million probably and maybe more. And, he and his family stand to lose Trump Hotel and much more all because he loves his country to attempt to change the course from progressive communism back to a democratic republic capitalist nation of freedom of speech and religion. I’d say he’s sacrificing a bunch including potential jail time and assignation possibilities.

Is that after his four declared bankruptcies?

  1. Trump Taj Mahal (1991): The first bankruptcy was perhaps the most significant in terms of his personal finances. Trump funded the construction of the $1 billion Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, which opened in 1990. By 1991, the casino was nearly $3 billion in debt, while Trump had racked up nearly $900 million in personal liabilities. As a result, the business decided to file for Chapter 11 reorganization, which aims to restructure businesses without shutting them down completely. The purpose is to “save” the business, as opposed to other forms of bankruptcy that would liquidate the company1.

  2. Two Atlantic City Casinos (1992): Trump could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and both properties declared bankruptcy in 19922.

  3. Plaza Hotel in New York (1992): Another property associated with Trump, the Plaza Hotel in New York, also declared bankruptcy in 1992 after accumulating debt2.

  4. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (2004): In 2004, Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt2.

All before his Presidency and his current court dealings…

Trump made his money on the back of others… Don’t paint him as a saint, just ask all the sub-contractors that had to sue him, just to get the money he owed them.