Covid 19 and sports

I answered questions, just not to your satisfaction of belief.

My father had a saying when I was growing up “You can not bantie with an idiot”.

His meaning was “that you can not argue with someone about something, because in the end, you will believe what you believe and the other person will do the same”

So I have posted my beliefs on Covid, the research methods behind trying to find the answers, the process they use within that research and what I generally feel (or dismiss if you please) the fact that everything is a liberal conspiracy to take away our rights.

So I am done “answering” your comments because it is futile effort to try to change your mind.

Silence those that don’t agree with you because only you have the answer. I know you aren’t a leftist with intent to destroy free thought. But, you did it anyway as a semi- conservative. Exactly what that article was saying. How people in both sides of left and right politically fall into the same trap orchestrated by some influential entity.
I wonder if your family member has ever had a promising experimental drug or procedure all of a sudden stopped without a reasonable answer.

Covid on the news on Friday…there were 400 new cases in Utah, a nearly double uptick from what was going on the week before. The news grabbed it and spun “cases double”, new fear of this thing spiraling out of control. Small print…212 of the cases came from a meat factory out of Logan, Ut.

Now here is the news according to ME. Three people died, Two in their 80’s, already in the hospital from another illness. All cases, in my mind, that the common cold would have taken out.

200 new cases in a state of 3.16 million people is not a Pandemic. 200 cases in the City of Salt Lake City is not a Pandemic. 200 cases in Provo would not be a pandemic, or Lehi for that matter. Give me the raw data and I would show you a custom build Pandemic that the world is using to push their aganda, what ever that is.

You go to the store and everyone has shifty eyes with real concern, feels like a morg when you go anywhere with other people and who is to blame? News People and politicians. This will go down in history as the biggest hoodwink ever. Makes Bird fly, Swine flu, Mad Cow disease, The Ozone and every other mass hysteria look like a joke.

Add the lost jobs, in home abuse, mental illness, depression, anxiety, retired peoples lost of their investments, the list is endless and what I see is the cure is far more deadly then the illness itself.

Just live you lives, wash your hands, cover your mouth with you cough and be smart but we have to get on with our lives.

I was thinking about your comment about going into the store and people being quiet and suspicious. Like the 1978 movie The Body Snatchers. We’ve all been infected. Those of us bold enough to question the pandemic and riots (excuse me, peaceful protests) are screamed at by the left as being grandma killers and racists, systemically.

Do you remember the Weatherman Underground Mole story. It’s still on Google but buried? Larry something said 10% of the population would have to be in camps to brainwash people from conservativism to socialism. If they don’t they will be exterminated. Didn’t Biden just say there are 10-15% that are bad evil people! He’s in that age bracket of Aulinsky along with Soros. The far left aren’t that far from the center of the Democrat Party. There are few liberals left. The liberals have been infected with the alien virus from Andromeda and are leaning hard left because of Party unity.

I know Floyd will say Republicans do the same thing but he would be wrong. The Republicans have Mitt Romney’s in it and waffle instead of sticking together like Democrats. Many liberals now are independents and mostly from the Republican Party. The question is will we be able to defeat this virus of Marxism. It’s not just socialism they want. They want top down authoritarianism too and kill the conservatives who are incurables or deplorables.

Fish… you nailed it. I have been talking about this exact same thing and how I am so tired of politicians and news media and the blatant lying that goes on within their ranks. It’s like you can’t be a part of either one of those groups unless you are willing to become a liar and push the agenda.

Are you a mind reader? There aren’t a lot of people who subscribe to this perspective or if they do they are afraid to speak out on it. I am perturbed with the fear and paranoia that the media and politicians have created and the way it has changed society so drastically.

The only place you get this information and opinions is on talk radio or Fox News. I just challenged a Democrat liberal to watch Fox News for 1 week and then see if your opinions are the same. He wouldn’t do it. And he’s a good member of the Church.

Fish nails it once again.

While I agree with the first statement, I think the second list of the adverse results of the government policies will be more than enough to have most of us US citizens gobbling up the news of how bad the COVID insanity really is.

Here is the real problem Harold “People spout stuff, without any actual knowledge of the subject matter as if it was truth”

What I have read from CDC and other resources, the main issue with Covid is A) there is no cure nor vaccine. You see with the Flu, we have vaccinations that curbs the spread of the virus down to manageable amounts. People tend to forget that part of the flu comparison. That they have done research on how to stop it before it goes out of bounds. B) With the flu the spread rate is close to 1 to 1, with covid it was 1 to 4.

I do believe some places has overreacted to the virus, but I also think there was a lot of miscommunication from other countries as to the data they were supplying. In Utah, I think our governor has done a pretty good job, not perfect, but good.

Last year according to the CDC there were between 24,000 -62,000 (they really never tracked it, they estimated deaths) so far since January there has been over 100 K deaths in the US alone.
So I am not sure how anyone can say “Biggest Hoodwink”

Just thinking here…maybe the reason we only have 200 new cases is because of the precautions taken by the Governor and his panel? So I am not sure how you can say it is a hood wink, because we intentionally did things to flatten the curve so our medical infrastructure would not be overwhelmed.

What do you mean 24k - 62k deaths? From what? Also, if you believe the CDC then your number is inaccurate. It is still less than 100k deaths. Check the cdc site link below.

I know that sometimes our communication is lost in the way we write things but I am confused by what you are saying. Also, I find this comment interesting.

Why is there no “cure” or “vaccine”? Is it possible that this is because that is the way the virus was designed and developed? I mean after all, it did originate in a scientific lab, correct? It was planned, whether you believe it or not, how much more obvious can it be?

By the way, according to the CDC site, the total number of covid deaths is still less than 100k in the U.S. It is right at about 93k. That is from their own web site.

Perhapse there is no cure because it hasn’t been developed yet. Same with the vaccine. Give the scientists time.

They will find a vaccine for it and there are people that stand to make millions/billions off it.

As they should… they will be saving hundreds of thousands of lives and jobs.

Might as well include yourself in the group that is being hoodwinked…

[quote=“Floyd_Edwards, post:289, topic:8660”]
I think our governor has done a pretty good job, not perfect, but good.[/quote]

From the little I have seen of what the Governor of Utah has done, I would agree. But I do not follow Utah news except peripherally.

I live in Kirkland Washington, within a short walk of the now shutdown nursing facility that started the stay at home orders here in the states. I have been in semi-regular contact with local hospital workers, who were overwhelmed at the beginning, as well as some of the researchers at medical research facilities here that have had millions of federal research dollars poured into their coffers because of the Covid virus.
The medical researchers are much less over the top with their predictions now than back in March when more than one told me that this virus would make the 1917 flu epidemic look like child’s play. Somewhere in the ballpark of 5% of the world’s population died of that flu so they were panickly predicting, given current world population numbers, 300-500 million deaths worldwide. Thus I call this a hoodwink…

Today, on my way to my first haircut in three months, I heard our Governor bloviating on his superior performance. I almost gagged.

If he had done more leading and explaining than ordering, which is my impression more what happened in your state, then the orders would have been followed sooner and might not have been needed to escalate to anywhere near the level that he chose. But of course he is also pretty far to the left even in the insanity that is western washington politics so his instinctual reaction is to use strong government courses of action instead of trusting that giving the people better information will get better results.

He had law enforcers arresting boaters who at least while out on their boats could not possibly have been participating in the spread of the virus…just one of the more ludicrous examples that come to mind.

If it’s a win-win situation it’s good for the economy. People live instead of dying and the ones who invented the vaccine or drug earn what the market will bear. It takes millions of dollars to get a drug to market. You used to be a business owner. You should know companies have expenses.

Doesn’t exactly work that way in today’s “capitalistic” economy. I would pose that we don’t really live in that type of environment anymore. The government has way too much control. The wealthiest people in society are retired government employees who have fat pensions. In private business, only those at the top of large corporations are wealthy. You talk about “small business” and I’m afraid to tell you that for the most part that is a thing of the past. There are very few small businesses that can survive in today’s capitalistic society and many that had are no longer doing so as a result of the plandemic.

As we continue this mad rush to socialism (coming from both sides of the political spectrum by the way) the opportunities for people pursuing the american dream will disappear.

You also know the one who invents the vaccine will be a business owned/run by Fauci or one he is associated with right? I will be shocked if that isn’t the case.

From what I see, the government has lost control. In some ways that’s good. It makes Government smaller and less in the way of the people. But, it also opens up a hole for the those who seek tyranny under a different set of rules, totalitarianism. Defund the police? Why? So that the have nots can gain control of the haves and take away from them what they have built?
The Declaration of Independence says we have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (originally property). Meaning, we don’t have a right to wealth. But we do have a right to define wealth for ourselves and decide how to get there. So, everyone defines what is necessary for them. For the wealthy as you describe, they build businesses in which employ a hundred million people or more. Others fine wealth in the service of others and are happy with a roof over their head and food to eat. The scripture doesn’t say just needs. It says wants and needs. So, why attack the successful?

14th Amendment…has the force of law instead the force of rhetoric ala the Declaration…inter alia it states, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law