Covid 19 and sports

I don’t find the Declaration of Independence is rhetoric. There is no Constitution without it. There is no 1st or 2nd Amendment. Life, liberty and the pursuit of your dreams. It can be small like yours. Or, it can be like the Church and be worth 100 billion dollars all over the world saving a couple hundred thousand people a year. Or, it could be the most paid person in Amway. Or, you can be a mountain man and have very little.

If you think our current government is too corrupt then sit back and watch the Republicans keep quiet or join with the leftist Democrats. You’ll learn how good we have it now.

Just in case you haven’t noticed these United States of America have been independent from the King since 1783.

The Declaration of Independence is not American law, the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land. The 14th Amendment guarantees us the right to life, liberty, and property given the constraints of due process. Most of the last 100 years or so the due process rights under the 14th Amendment have been our strongest defense against overwhelming power of the state.

Just 10 years ago, I believe this month, McDonald v Chicago used the 14th Amendment to force the City of Chicago to grant the basic American right to own a gun in self defense. Too bad it didn’t overturn Cruikshank or Slaughterhouse but maybe Thomas’s opinion will have an effect later.

And you know nothing about my dreams or my realities.

You are misunderstanding. The founding document of our nation is the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution was written based on the Declaration of Independence. You don’t know your history very well if you don’t know this.

I promise you that in the multiple years I taught history professionally, I taught the American founding many, many times. The Founding and the Constitution were and are my favorite non-religious teaching topics.

Facts and logic don’t always work with the hopper…

Then you should know the founding document is the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is based on it.

Sad but too true.

Prove I’m wrong.

Actually Scott, The Constitution is NOT based off the Declaration of Independence.
They are the two founding documents of our country, and are both important to our country. but that is about where the dependency ends…

the Declaration of Independence states that the United States of America is a country in its own right, independent of England, and includes a list of grievances against the king of England.

While the U.S. Constitution formed our federal government and set the laws of the land.

Regardless, you will argue just because you cannot accept the fact that you could be wrong.

With the original Constitution, NOT all people were created equal. Slaves and women were considered Property not people.

Without the Declaration of Independence, there is no Constitution. Nor would it be written the way it was with the Bill of Rights. You see absolutely no connection? You see no connection between being endowed by our creator allowing us to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the Bill of Rights? The Constitution was structured from other documents but without God’s influence through the Declaration of Independence, the 3 branches of Government and State Rights would never have happened. That’s why our prophets have said the Constitution was inspired of God. That was from the Declaration.

And, without the 3/5 rule, the Constitution would never had been ratified. We would have had two countries without proper military protection and the war of 1812 would have happened much earlier. And we would have lost. On top of that, there was a voting issue as well that gave the upper hand to the North as well. Without that, there would have been no Abraham Lincoln. There would still be slaves in the U.S. Well, there still are in the big cities run for 70 years under Democrat control. And, with this “White Shaming” by both Democrat black and white Mayors and Governors, they will remain slaves to welfare and other control measures. See, they use White Shaming to show blacks they are ashamed and have corrected their thinking and will give blacks everything through the Government so blacks don’t have to do anything. Welfare. Free this and free that like healthcare In Kentucky says the Government there. Not because they have corrected their thinking and repented. But their only goal is to stay in power! You would be surprised how many blacks don’t want the government by any black or white Mayor and Governor to give them anything but the ability and freedom to pull themselves up and out of poverty.

Endowed by our God, Life, liberty and the ability for each individual of all colors is the only support for the Constitution to survive. Just like it was the only way the Constitution was able to first live.

you said “the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is based on it.”

“Connected” and “Based” are two different things Scott. I see the connection, I do not see that the Constitution was based on the Declaration of Independence.

Because it WASN’T, there are similar terms used in both and that is it.

You really need to do some research of “Why” the Bill of Rights was created, but like I said you like to argue even when you are wrong.

The 14th Amendment took care of, or was meant to anyway by its drafters, the rights of the former slaves.
There was a suggested revision which would have included women, but that change to the wording of the 14th never made it far.

In McDonald v. Chicago, one of my personal heroes, Justice Thomas, argued that Cruikshank and Slaughterhouse should be overturned. They were the most important cases which gutted the 14th Amendments protections for former slaves.
Reynolds v US, which gutted the LDS church back at the same time, was passed by most of the same justices…
After the 19th Amendment was passed giving women the right to vote, ie the full rights of all citizens, instead of the truncated version they legally had before its passage, courts began the broadening of the 14th Amendment protections to women.

By the 1970’s, the final argument that defeated the insanity of the ERA, was the completely accurate argument that under US law and the Constitution specifically the 14th Amendment’s protection of life, liberty, and property, and especially the next clause, requiring equal protection of the laws, women had equal protection just as much as they would under the proposed ERA.
Even my feminist law theory class in law school granted the truth of the statement, though the teacher and the class which was almost totally attended by third wave feminists, hated the fact.

Now what this has to do with BYU basketball and Covid 19 I wonder.

You are the one who needs to reason logically. Had the people back in 1776 not declared their independence, there would be no Constitution. Plain and simple. After the long battles, they had to go back to remember why they fought and set up a Constitutional Republic based on why they succeeded from Britain tyranny. That is the Declaration of Independence. The Bill of Rights were rights granted to the people restricting the Government.That would give us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness under God. Yes, connected and based on the Declaration of Independence.

How long ago was that? 40 years ago? There is much more information on this now. You should read some of the present day writers from a perspective of patriotism. For 40 years, the progressives have hijacked the educational system and have destroyed and re-written our history.

In some ways this is completely true. Public education is a strange mix of things right now.

It’s what Bill Ayers and the violent Marxist protestors of the 60’s and 70’s said they were going to do. But, did anyone listen to the conspiracy theorists who knew these people and what they said? Nope! And, here we are with youth and middle age radicals tearing cities apart like their parents and grandparents tried to do. Only now guess whose in charge?

Looks like they took over a section of Seattle.

I’m not sure what the point is. What are the mayor of Seattle and the governor of Washington doing?

To anarchist there is no point. They are being used as well by Marxists to tear down our country. Once they are successful they will be discarded as the brown shirts were. The Marxist will step in as the heroes to restore order. It may happen city by city in a country like ours. Unless the real Marxists gain control of the Federal Government.