Covid 19 and sports

Some of my youngest kids went to Willow Canyon back in 1994 time frame.

There has been no indication that public schools will shut down, once the vaccine is available, it back to full time school.

Not sure what you are referencing in my post, could you be more clear about what you are referring too please?

As for Constitutional rights… Where does it say the government does not have the right to shut down schools, businesses, etc during a health crisis?

Please one reference…

Why is it illegal for me to drive my car 100 mph? I have according to you, a constitutional right to drive as fast as “I DEEM” necessary without the government interfering with my driving.

There are a lot of scenario’s that could apply to the same thing, the government has a right to certain things during a time of period because of health reasons.

Go ahead and just give up your rights. Can’t go to Church but you can go to a riot errr protest. But children who do not transmit the virus well can’t go to school. But they can commit suicide and become druggies. Got it!

What about the common sense of using hydroxichloroquine early in treatment to prevent further problems and death? It has been proven to work and is very effective yet doctors are being prohibited from using it? It has been around for decades as an approved medication. Where is that common sense? It is inexpensive and could save a lot of lives yet there is no common sense being used in deciding to allow it.

Like I’ve said before, you need to look a little more in depth and try to understand what is happening. It is evil.

Forget about the stupid vaccine!!!

There are treatments available that are inexpensive and work. Why can’t those be used?

Are you 100% sure about this statement? I have heard many stories from medical professionals and doctors that those numbers are not accurate. Many of the people who are being counted were dying of something else, not covid. Why do you think the governor of New York sent all the covid patients back into the nursing care facilities… so they could get the rest of the people sick and the death count would increase. Ugghhh… so frustrating when people don’t see how clear the picture is.

Liberals base their decisions on emotions and not logic…Facts aren’t important…

How about the rise in Covid-19in Florida where people flooded the beaches in that state before the Covid went wild in F L A?

All young people. They didn’t die. Now the numbers are going down again. I know we are all anxiously awaiting the Coming of the Lord and the Millennium. But, until then, two truths will continue:

  1. Death
  2. Taxes

If you are referring to the US Constitution. The powers granted the federal government is a simple list and no shutting down schools or businesses is not on the list.

But it is the states individually that have that power. It is called the police power. It resides, even today, in the states.

If you read the governor’s announcements about their various shutdown methods, every single one that I have read, admittedly only for the handful of states I have a particular interest in, has the legal basis for the order. It is after all common practice in gubernatorial proclamations of all kinds to state upfront the legal framing of the statements.

The people will get to say in the next elections, some as soon as this November, whether the policies chosen by their respective state leaders has been wisely chosen.

It may be the last election. The Democrats will fundamentally change the Constitution by eliminating the freedoms that over rule states. You seem to forget this. Such as freedom of religion and speech. Freedom to bear arms and defend yourselves. With what we see shutting down Churches, restricting travel of U.S. citizens and other things going on, states and local authorities are violating the U.S. Constitution which gives the President right to declare Martial Law and send in the troops and removing officials committing treason. How about those apples!

To misquote a Spencer Kimball-like being "Beware: Pessimism, Anger, Fear, Aggression – The Dark Side, Are They.”Joda.

We see it all as they try to take down Trump and the Constitution. Will we as members save it as it hangs by a thread? Or, will we be part of the problem?

you do realize that the government has shut down all those things since the constitution has been signed, rjght?

According to constitutional legal experts.
When it comes to pandemic type events.

most questions that involve a restriction on liberty, courts tend to ask two less direct questions in deciding whether it violates the constitution:

What is the reason for the restriction?

And how is the government going about it?

Put another way: is the purpose legitimate and are the means chosen proper to achieving that goal.

That is why currently SCOTUS has not declared any shutdowns as unconstitutional. Except where the rule is more restrictive on one group over another.

Keep trying though

What I was attempting to point out was the legal distinction between different governments in our Federal system.
The Federal Government has one set of powers and the states have a very different set.
Your explanation of the necessary and proper clause of the Federal constitution is reasonably accurate. Constitutional legal experts, left or right would basically agree.

But the states have a very different set of rules.
States do not have to pass laws that are necessary or proper. They can do what they want so long as they do not violate the federal constitution and their own individual state constitutions. And of course they amend their own constitutions much more regularly than the federal constitution.

States govern local businesses and schools, the federal government does not, except in DC and the territories if Congress cares to exercise its power. And of course, with the two growing exceptions of course of the power of persuasion that comes with an ever growing federal budget and the growing administrative state. SCOTUS doesn’t seem to have much to say on the budget, but they are starting to try to reign in the administrative state.
One of the major difference between the power of the Federal government and the states is that the feds can print money the states cannot.

Having checked the current supreme court web site, I frequent it when people site things about the court I am not aware of, the Court has no substantive decisions one way or the other on the current Covid pandemic.
The Court has refused injunctions and emergency cert requests etc a handful of times. But those are all procedural decisions having only peripheral relationship to the issues you cite. And each one of those cases was complaints that states were violating federal constitutional rights.

The Courts docket has nothing on it, correct me if I am wrong, that relates to the pandemic panic.

Good thing we can trust our government, including the SCOTUS, to be objective, fair and reasonable when making decisions that affect US citizens.


They’ve been so Constitutionally sound over the last 25 decades. Roberts is such a Constitutionalist…NOT!

Some modern countries have followed the policies I was referring to with actually much better than US results. The old schools ways I was referring to actually do now, and for that matter, then, had scientific foundations.

The latest according to the scaremongers at CNN. MSN

Once again not a mention of deaths.
Nothing close to a complete set of data to determine how scary the circumstances really are.
Kid and adults sick…no mention of total populations, no mentions of hospitalizations, no mentions of deaths…all of which should be germane to anyone trying to figure out how they should personally, or for their children, respond responsibly.

Earlier this week I read on op-ed castigating Governor Newsome of California, wondering how many corona deaths historians would be platting on his head for his misbegotten policies.
They mentioned that several of his top health department officials disagreeing with his policies had resigned…no specific mention of which policies of course.
They did site the figure of California passing the very scary number of 11,000 covid deaths…40 million people and 11,000 deaths. and for that an entire state shut down…last year without covid nearly 800 people were dying everyday in California. meaning the California daily deaths has gone up by about 10% just due to Covid…I cannot find figures though on actual California deaths this year…which would be required to see how much the stay at home orders had cut down on normal/expected deaths.
Given that California only had about a 10% rise in deaths, with Covid, it is possible that the stay at home orders in California even with Covid included may have dropped the death rate in California daily death rate below what it was before Covid and the stay at home orders.

Nope! I live here. The numbers are being fudged and skewed. They didn’t count numbers weeks ago. Now, they are inserting those past numbers into daily counts so that counties cannot get under their goals to open back up. Yesterday, they said we had 106 new cases. But, they inserted 46 past cases into those numbers. We have to get under 100. See? This is a Marxist conspiracy.