Hmm... looks like somebody took the words out of my mouth

Denial of what? So, only poor people can run for office and that will stop corruption? I haven’t seen anything so far that suggests Trump is doing anything corrupt.

and you never will, even if it is blatantly obvious or real… Everyone chooses what they want to believe or not believe. I’m sure he has done many things during his life that are bordering on unethical or dishonest or taking advantage of some situation or person.

You can say that about everyone, Jim

say what? that we choose what we want to believe? Reality and the truth has been so distorted over the last several decades or more that there is almost nothing left to believe in or trust.

Thank goodness for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

But you don’t have anything specific to smear him with? We weren’t electing a minister. We were electing a leader. This time we got one.

Yep, different set of standards right? How we act and the decisions we make all depends on what job we are doing in life, right? Pick and choose which commandments to follow or obey…

Okay, whatever you say.

You’re mixing apples and oranges. Which great founding father of the inspired constitution was without sin? Which ones weren’t womanizers? Hillary isn’t a leader. She’s lazy and not motivating. Along with a lot of other problems. Trump is a leader. The question is whether Congress will realize there can’t be 535 leaders.

None of them… what’s your point? If you are seriously comparing Trump to those guys then you have officially lost your marbles. This country hasn’t had a “leader” since Reagan was president. Bush’s, Clinton, Obama… all of them were frauds. Reagan was the last true president of the people.

You were too young to remember much about Reagan. He didn’t start off so great either. Why not give the guy a chance? He’s getting it from the left and from the right. The stupid right!

Another inane comment. I guess being 18-26 is too young.

I have no problem “giving him a chance”. The truth is his presidency will probably be a lot like Obama’s… just a lot of doing nothing as the world keeps stumbling and the gap between rich and poor widens. How long till the economy crashes? And then Obama will blame it all on Trump again.

If you and others are willing to give him a chance then I guess the name calling should end too. Rep. Nunez just announced Obama administration was surveillancing Trump. Listening in. He’s cutting the EPA by 39% funding. Did you know that 3 billion was given to the EPA at was funneled to ACORN and Planned Parenthood?