It is the dead time of the year

Are we not commanded to watch over our neighbors in the D&C? Remind each other of what the standards each has agreed to?
I never mistrust anyone while at BYU. But, I kept my hair properly managed and didn’t try to push the envelope. I kept the HC rules so I didn’t have anything to worry about.
And, you say a students rat on others because they are prejudice? You meant racist? Like ratting on Davies or Jamaal? If it was because of sexual intercourse, I don’t see that as a racist thing. Sexual relations is a huge no-no at BYU no matter what race or religion you are. Forgive me if that wasn’t what you were going after.

It will take quite a bit to convince me BYU is going to become a fascist or communist dictatorship.

No BYU will never become a fascist state, and if we even came close to being perfect with legitimate concern for are fellow brethren, we could indeed look out for each other. That however, is not the case as evidenced throughout history and even continuously documented in the scriptures. Can you imagine that “scum bag” liberal even coming close to putting their trust in you and your prejudicial nonsense. Things are rapidly changing in the church and will continue to do so. It will be based upon the teachings of Christ, and focus on tolerance, compassion, and acceptance of each other. You have a lot to learn, as do we all

Scumbag liberals aren’t concerned about putting trust in anyone but fascists and communist thinking persons. So, I don’t concern myself with the enemies of God, The Church or the Constitution and country other than to warn others of their sheepskin appearances.
I do have my concerns of the Church looking more and more like every other church that has succumbed to far left liberalism. As President Nelson said, there is a difference between Doctrine and policy. Policy cannot blur Doctrine. Are you saying Doctrine is being blurred by BYU’s policy?

Your problem is you don’t concern yourself with anything other than your own jaded view points, even the gospel. You lump everything into scum bag liberals or communist fascists. Truth be told Washington, Adams, Jefferson were all considered liberals along with Martin Luther, John Calvin, Martin Luther King, all fighting oppression from England or ancient Catholicism or racism. Adolf Hitler, however was considered a social conservative, much to the consternation of millions of the house of Israel he had murdered. Time to end this discussion-take your views to wherever they lead you and reap what you show and good luck to you

Maybe the group of founding fathers were viewed as liberals in their days. But, not in our days nearly what you may think. MLK was in some ways liberal and other ways conservative.
It’s getting easier and easier to see those who have strayed and are straying from the Constitution and our founding fathers. It’s also easier to see the straying from liberty and freedom as well.

On that we can agree

Grasshopper playing devil’s advocate and not even realizing it.

SR you are wasting your time. Everyone understood the comparison you were drawing but the hopper. It is just what he does.

A good example I always use is the one where some girls snitched on a new convert roommate who supposedly wore a skirt that was above her knees. It was modest enough but they were intent on deflecting attention from the fact that they had boyfriends spending the night.

So which one of those supposed broken honor code rules was more important from a logic perspective?

The hopper won’t try and understand what we are talking about here, he will just argue about it and mince words.

I don’t see how that example makes the honor code wrong not making complaints when not trying to divert from or obstruct true justice. I’m sure your example is rare.

Yeh I knew that would happen but I gave it a shot anyway-no problem just wasted time🤔

Sr Burton, you fell right into the trap laid by our resident insect :ant: hopper! When you find yourself only engaging the insect, then you know that everyone else agrees with you … we just don’t want to be a part of egging him on while we wait for the seagulls to swoop in!!

Hold on! The last post you made was that we totally agreed on some things. You are getting played now by the forums premier conspiracy theorists.

Lol I did, but I’m a sucker for trying to reason with a hard head🤔

I agreed that we had to be very careful about losing our freedoms, which we do. 1st amendment, 2nd amendment 3rd etc

What do you think about Sanders desire to let prisoners inside prison allowed to vote? He says voting is a right.

Not a fan of Sanders, so probably not going to agree with anything he has to say. Voting is a privilege that not enough people value and most felons give up their rights to vote while incarcerated and their 2nd amendment rights for good, or that is the way it used to be

Unfortunately, Democrats and weak Republicans like Romney believe voting is a right, not a privilege. So, to them, everyone gets to vote.

Yeah, what has happened to Mitt Romney?

The democrats totally tried to destroy his character and everything about him and now he is acting like he is on their side.

What is his problem?

Trump made a few derogatory remarks about Romney and I guess Mittens’ feelings were hurt. Who hasn’t Trump insulted? If Romney had taken the gloves off against Obama he probably would have been elected and we wouldn’t be talking about Trump. Romney was weak and wouldn’t play hardball against a weasel. He mopped the floor with Obama in the first debate and then he got weak. I voted for him but his constant attacks on the current president, who is in his own party, are causing me to lose some respect for him. He doesn’t have to agree with Trump’s morals and manners but Trump’s policies have been good. Romney had his chance to be president and he blew it. It is probably hard for Mitt to accept the fact that somebody like Trump is president and he isn’t.

I think Romney’s ego is getting in the way of him doing what is best for the country. His remarks about the Mueller report really upset me. Everybody knows Trump has a lot of character flaws but the Russia Collusion investigation was a fraud from the beginning and nothing more than a trap to get an obstruction charge. When Mueller couldn’t charge Trump with obstruction he made some political remarks in his report that implied congress should decide on obstruction. Prosecutors are never supposed to do anything but charge or not charge based on the evidence and then keep their mouths shut.

We can go back to Clinton and numerous crimes of perjury and obstruction were found. No crime was found in regard to Trump but the Democrats won’t let it go because millions of low information voters will believe their allies in the media regarding the non-crime.

I think Trump has done a remarkable job in many ways particularly considering the non-stop attacks from the press. I can’t defend his morals and I think he is his own worst enemy because he never learned to be a politician and there are time you have to talk out of both sides of your mouth but stick to your agenda. Romney is nothing but a politician and a typical weak Rhino at that. Trump just needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut.

Personally I have no problem with Mitt speaking his mind about Trump. I dislike a lot of things Trump does and say. But at least Trump doesn’t hide behind PC talk. Mitt is not your run of the mill lying Republican politician that you find here in Utah. He has no problem bucking the system, which I like.

Having to deal with the GOP legislature with work, I can honestly say that the GOP here in Utah has lost touch with those they are supposed to serve.

As for Trump, I really hate his so called “Tax Break” where I got screwed out 3K this year.

Because I happen to follow the Lord’s admonishment to be completely out of debt. I had to pay more than what I believe is my fair share.
Then add insult to injury, Trump administration told the employers to take a less percentage out for Federal Taxes, but never lowered the Tax percentage expected for filing taxes. I talked to a lot of CPA’s here in Utah and they told me that a lot of people are paying this year more than in past… Yep he is taking care of the middle class “NOT!”.

I have a tough time with reconciling the different “Trumps”, but he is so much better than the alternatives would have been that I think I can put up with the distractions that he throws out there. I live in a state, Oregon, that hasn’t seen a republican governor in so long, that I can’t even recall the last one. Meanwhile with the legalization of marijuana it has brought people In from surrounding states seeking recreational pot and literally changing the infrastructure of our cities.