It is the dead time of the year

You think Utah is bad, you should try living in the liberal bastion of Oregon. I’m ready to move to Idaho or Wyoming. Yes the tax breaks were really a deception and I paid the same amount I usually pay

My daughter and her family lives in Portland… they are liberal (I guess I failed :open_mouth:) so I know what you mean…
Two things in Portland that you will find everywhere 1) donut shops 2) Pot shops LOL

My taxes were much better. And, the labor participation is much better and unemployment much better. Private business is raising incomes without being forced by the governments. There is still more to do with taxes. But we need to reduce the size of the federal government first.

We are going through the pot thing in our town. Trying to decide if we want it or not. It’s amazing how far the country has fallen in morality over the past 30 years. People getting lazy, losing their faith in God and replacing God with pot.

Well I normally don’t like the terms “liberal” and "conservative. " After all, I’m liberal about some things and conservative about others. But in Oregon’s case, yikes, I’d be executed as a stone cold liberal. I heard a rumor that they did or are going to defelonize heroin and meth possession in the Salem area. Maybe Tom knows about that. I have an area that goes through a huge park that I like to run a 5k through and I’m starting to wonder if I need to run with my 45 hanging from my shoulder holster :slightly_frowning_face:

Right now in Texas guns are in and drugs are out. I love the climate in Oregon but I think I will stay here.

You guys chit chat about Oregon, Utah, Texas, etc. being conservative this or liberal that…

How many of you have lived in California for any length of time?

This is by far the most whacked out, politically liberal place anywhere. The weird thing is that it works because a lot of the people are really conservative and we stay here because of the weather climate, not the political climate.

My son graduates today and tomorrow from BYU with a degree in neuroscience. He has explained to me a couple of times what drugs do to the brain. Please don’t let anyone you know become addicted to or even try drugs. They will mess you up and there is nothing you can do once your brain is wrecked. Life is forever changed even if you do repent…

The commencement today was pretty great. I have a tough time with the utah valley culture here but being at BYU brings back some really great memories. I have a strong love-hate relationship with this place… haha.

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One of my Sons used to live in the Fort Worth area and worked in Dallas so I went up and ran the Greater Texas Marathon. I love Texas and they have huge Cabela’s stores😉

Shoot Jim I didnt even know California was still in the USA. I thought Jane got the state extradited. I was at Fort Ord by Carmel and Monterrey and Clint was mayor😏

The last great president of the US and the last great governor of California…

Ronald Reagan

That seems like such a long time ago.

Sad isn’t it. Just hope I never have to utter the words "President Pelosi ":sob:

I saw a quote today that basically says that people pray less and have opened up more bars, liquor stores and now pot stores. People that are going to Church has slipped 20% since Obama became president.

Seems like it has been more drastic than that.

In stark contrast to yesterday’s commencement, today’s convocation first speaker was the valedictorian in political science. He was very excited to speak and among other things, announce to everyone present that he was gay. Lots of people cheered and whistled, apparently trying to show all those around them how accepting and progressive they are.

It was totally unnecessary and frankly detracted from what should have been an otherwise celebratory occasion. I don’t understand the extreme need for people to do this. Can somebody explain it to me? I have no issues with the situation in and of itself, just with the fixation over making it an obsessive issue.

I was much more impressed with the wife/mother of twins who accepted a posthumous award for her husband who would have graduated had he not passed away from cancer only a few months after their children were born.

Oh well…

Just in case Chris reads this, I am very sympathetic and understanding to people who identify as having same sex attraction. It is ok, we all have challenges in life and obstacles to overcome and conquer. Through the atonement of Jesus Christ we can do that.

It’s not that he has same-sex attraction. It’s whether he has a reprobate mind and yields to his immoral desires. Same with heterosexuals who yield to their base desires improperly. Why would anyone cheer for someone telling they are capable of sexual desires to a crowd of people. If I got up in church and said I’m heterosexual and ready to go, would I get a standing ovation?

Exactly… that is why I am so confused about why it is such a big deal. My son was walking back to his apartment afterward and overheard a guy who was walking with another group talking about how he had never felt that “inspired” after listening to him come out. Really? that is the most inspiring thing you have ever heard?

I think people just say things like that and respond to this nonsense so they can convince themselves and others that they aren’t homophobic… as if that is something that needs to be done.

Honestly, who cares?

I guess I just don’t think the same as a lot of other people.

Next time I hear that from a member I’m going to ask if that will be the response at the judgment seat of God about what inspired him/her the most.
Let’s see, I guess General Conference, the Temple, the Sacrament, the Atonement comes behind someone embarrassing his parents coming out of the closet? I think too many people fear man more than God.


Most of the time you post, I feel like we are on the same page, but sometimes when
I suggest this, you seem to put a distance between us. At risk, I shall side with you again. “Let he/she without sin, cast the first stone”. Period!!!

We are also supposed to defend the kingdom of God in the earth. God doesn’t send plagues and floods anymore. We are to keep the Church pure and clean. So, we have to make judgments. Righteous judgments. To also protect the kingdom of God.

Please sight any reference by our CURRENT prophet that tells us to do that…
Please just one reference that we are to “Defend” the Kingdom of God by our modern day prophets, seers and revelators.

You can’t, because the tone the brethren has set is that of “Love” thy neighbor, be kind to those around you.

the older I get the more mellow I am becoming. I far too many sins and short comings to casting any stone at someone else because they are not living what I believe is right.

So we agree on this point.