Midterm Elections

You guys are simply stuck on TDS yourselves and not the real issues that keep Democrats winning. I’ve heard today that Republicans will control the House. I’ll believe it when I see it. But, nothing changed in the Senate and Biden is still in power. Why wasn’t there a Red Wave? How did Democrats get out the vote? Dig deeper and you will find independents did vote Republican but more Democrats voted again than anticipated. Where did they come from? The young single especially the females. The only thing Trump had to influence them was putting conservatives on the Supreme Court. And, the court chose to rally the young singles women. So did Lindsay Graham. Stupid timing!

I didn’t vote for Trump in the primaries in 2016 either. I would vote DeSantis if he runs in the primaries. But, this TDS isn’t the reason for no Red Wave. As with 2020, Democrats found a rallying cry to get out the vote by the liberal youth of our nation who don’t understand what the destruction of the family, abortion and LGBTQ does for socialism and communists in the Democrat Party. And, apparently, many TDS Republicans don’t either.

Instead of insults, check out Ben Shapiro and his take on what happened with single ladies and their voting block. It’s really fascinating and very logical. You will understand more what I’m saying and why.

Read what Mark Levin said:

Mark Levin: Here’s why the ‘red wave’ was never really going to happen | Fox News

Check out this from Ben Shapiro… You will understand once he gets towards the end and ties everything together.

First time that I’ve read anything from Levine. The article seems well thought out

I generally do not listen or read “talking heads” they have their opinions just like everyone else. Doesn’t make them right or wrong, just their perspective.

I did find what Mark Levine said goes in line with other articles I have read about what really happened. Thought it might help people understand what I believe happened.

The big thing I got out of the article was that Republicans had too many senate seats to defend so the math was not in their favor to flip the senate. The math will be in will be their favor in 2022.

Looks like the house will go red. Rs need one more seat as it currently stands. Rs 217 and Dems 205 with 13 races undecided. One of those is in Colorado
where the incumbent R leads by .34% with just over 98% of the vote counted.

Apparently, former VP Mike Pence did an interview with ABC news about January 6th.

Not sure where else you can find it, but it is HULU. I planned to watch it to see what Pence has to say.

The numbers still could have flipped a couple of the seats had more money gone to those states he talked about. He’s right about the establishment. Look what damage Graham did right before the election that got thousands more college students out to vote.
Now, I was upset about the Supreme Court taking up the Dodd case and overturning the Roe fiasco. But, Gutfeld on the Five said yesterday that when you have the clout to make change take it. That’s why you were elected and/or appointed. Why wait when this is why you are there. I had to think about it and agreed with him. It was their duty.

Also heard Guttfeld and think that’s a good perspective. Similar to what a business college said “always take the money” meaning, take it when you can.
I did listen to the Ben Shapiro podcast you provided. Thanks. He is a good listen.
I have more of an appreciation of the impact of the single women vote. It is a factor in the midterm crushing. But I still maintain the anti trump sentiment is the larger factor and will only get bigger.
As I’ve said previously in a post, I just don’t think he can win a general election with only 75-80% of Republican support. I was once a supporter early on but now I will not vote for him. I’ll do a write in instead.
I’m moving on from midterms and anxious to see what the Republicans come up with.

Funny that mainstream media is just waking up to this scheme.

You do understand that if the Republican’s elect Trump in the Primary, any vote for Micky Mouse or anyone else is a vote for Joe Biden or any other Democrat. That’s sort of what happened in Georgia where the independent took away from Walker enough to force this runoff elections. Think of Ross Perot and how he lost the election for the Republicans. The worst thing that could happen is the same thing. I don’t understand your line of thinking and this idea of “voting your conscience” is nauseating. Does your conscience sit well thinking about another 4 years of the Presidency, House and Senate all under control of the communist party (Democrat)?

Aside from that, Shapiro has a really good line of reasoning on why Democrats support abortions and LGBTQ issues so much.

Yep. I have no problem with not voting for Trump. Another Trump failure and maybe the Republicans will fix their party instead of continuing their cult worship of Trump and his ilk (assuming they continue to run Trump out there). Sometimes you gotta play the long game to win Hopper. Pretty simple. All the Republicans have to do is not put Trump on the ballot and I will vote for that person.

I believe most republicans will not vote for Trump in the primaries for the simple reason he is toxic.

In my opinion Trump is running to divide the GOP, he is upset that the GOP has stopped supporting him since leaving office. This again is another indication that Trump does what Trump does for what make Trump feel good about himself.

The difference between the Republicans and Democrats with regards of dividing the party, Democrats won’t and Republicans will. The question is what is the reason for this? The reason is quite simple. The Democrat Party is idealistic with their religious belief in social-communism. The grand Utopia that mankind can do this without God leading them. Man has to believe in something even if it’s a secular god such as Utopia tyranny.

Republicans believe mostly in a God of free will with laws and punishments with respect to less government, capitalism, free markets and a free right to choose good and evil for all born and unborn. We also actually believe and champion science as long as wokeism is left out. We have a much bigger tent. The question is how do we get there? With a weak politician compromised by money or a strong person who doesn’t need the money and simply wants the list above? Can DeSantis do this? Trump can.

A bit generic/over simplification on Democrats and Republicans, but I’ll give it just one Pinnochio. But pretty much agree.
Changing your support in the primaries from Desantis to Trump?
Looking at your comments last week or two looks like you’ve evolved (devolved?) from Desantis needs to the candidate to Trump is the only one. What changed? I’m guessing you went from Trump lost the Midterms (at least a key factor) to it wasn’t Trumps fault.

Notice that in his speech, Trump is trying not to be his toxic self - just talking issues mostly. Good. But f he had only done this years ago before he would have credibility. He’s lost so many supporters despite the policies. He can’t win the general - the math doesn’t work.
And don’t worry, his true nature will show up. He can’t keep this approach up. He only has the one schtick really.

Just one more thing quick. I think age could be a big factor in a general - meaning a young republican vs Biden would pull some independents and women over. PLEASE not another two old out of touch candidates!

In this case, I greatly endorse ageism!

I’m good with either. Trump has proved his plans work and will work again. DeSantis is a politician but has done well in Florida. Will he continue as President?