P5 conferences, realignment and expansion

Ya, I don’t always agree with you. But there those in this forum that like be attack dogs when someone disagrees with them.

Oh the irony…

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I never attack anyone. I state my opinion and said for someone to attack me. Never fails.

7 days since my post and no direct response. Oh well. :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Ron is quit a bit older then the rest of us. I don’t take too much of what he says personally.
Floyd on the other hand will get after you…I’m sure you are both great dudes…just let it go

Is Floyd at it again! He makes me look like a saint :innocent:

No, I am just getting old enough to not want to put up with B??? Sh?? from others anymore.

Don’t like it, don’t respond.

For the record -
I was standing up for a 80 yr old guy who thinks differently than some others on this board.
I felt Arkie could have been a little more respectful in asking his questions to Ron.

He’s a tough old 80 year old.
What’s B??? And what is SH??! Come on you can be better than that :innocent:

Floyd: “I felt Arkie could have been a little more respectful in asking his questions to Ron.”
Me: I quite often feel like you throw out a lot of disrespect to those you do not like. I am speaking of your disrespect of others, not me. Frankly, I don’t give a ■■■■ about what you think of me.

Floyd: “I am just getting old enough to not want to put up with B??? Sh?? from others anymore.”
Me: Right back atcha!