Romney is a Democrat

I only commented on “nutso” because of the way you phrased it, it seemed to be your label. Glad you cited the source.

No problem with what you said in your post. I would clarify that following established scientific research methodology for original research and subsequent replication studies give us the best chance of weeding out the bias of the researchers. Having gone through 2 PhD programs, I am quite knowledgable about stats and research methodologies. I have also conducted my own original research. However, you are correct that bias of some sort, to some degree is about impossible to completely irradicate when people speak or write. Thus my comments about facts versus opinion. You have a good afternoon Floyd. I have some other things to attend to.

I’m not a Romney fan and I’m not going to try and read his mind or call him any names or whatever. He voted the way he did and will have to suffer whatever repercussions that follow. That’s what grownups do-accept responsibilities. On the other hand I’m not going to take the vile path that others take and render all kinds of hypothetical scenarios and weave them into a circumspect fairy tale, because, in my opinion, they become worse than the subject they are trying to defame. I’m not judging him to be any kind of hater or faux republican-I’m just going to state that I don’t agree with what you did and in reality, you represent the State of Utah and not yourself, so if you didn’t do that-you were in error and they have every right to boot your behind out of office. And Mitt, the reality is’ you represent the State of Utah, not the State of Massachusetts

No you are trying to weave a fairy tale to support your supposed outrage. Romney didn’t do himself any more harm had he voted to impeach on both articles and your still sitting on your behind in California trying to dictate something you don’t have a clue about and would be a laughing stock in any court of law in the country and the sad thing is-it doesn’t bother you a bit

Thank you for your post-a light at the end of the tunnel

That’s your opinion…But, I’m correct on this one. Nice try though…

And that is exactly how I feel. Romney went against the will of the people and becomes un-trustable

Get rid of the 17th amendment and let the State Legislators decide the 2 Senators that will to the bidding of the people in their states.