Socialist lunatic sanders now the dem front runner - yes this is flame throwing

Now we have the overblown hysteria over the Coronavirus and the stock market is tanking. There hasn’t been one death yet in the western hemisphere and the mortality rate for the disease appears to be less than 5% if you get it. I am sure the panic is great news to Bernie and his supporters. Progressives never let a crisis go to waste or amplify one if possible. Bernie, like most Socialists, has no religion and the state is his god and the state can allegedly fix anything.

I took one of my retirement accounts out of stocks today because Wallstreet is in a panic over something that doesn’t seem to kill nearly as many people as the flu If this thing blows over soon I may get back in but right now panicked investors are driving the market down. I may be wrong but I think the hysteria over this is far worse than the disease itself.

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It usually is overblown. It’s not even a “pandemic.” What it is is a panDEMic manufactured by Democrats. The Church sent out a statement that will affect many missionaries and those wanting to come to America for General Conference.
Now to the conspiracies. I’m wondering if this began with a plan of George Soros in bed with Hu of China to get back at Trump for the trade wars. I’m sure Soros wants Sanders to be President.

Well Sanders got spanked in South Carolina by Biden. Buttigeig, Steyer, and Klobuchar have all bowed out. Warren apparently thinks she is still relevant. Super Tuesday is coming up and Bloomburg will be in his first primaries. I think the Sanders supporters will remain in his corner but my bet is that those who supported the 3 that dropped out will support Biden and Bloomburg and a few will support Warren. I think Warren is almost toast. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the remaining 3 fight it out almost up to the convention and then the party will give Bernie the shaft because they are terrified of Sanders because they could lose everything. We’ll see, a few months is an eternity in politics anymore and a lot could change.

If Democrat voters who are not for Sanders had any brains they would unite around Biden or Bloomburg and then I think Sanders is toast. Their party needs one strong pseudo-moderate to oppose Bernie so they don’t split up their votes so much. The more candidates that remain in the race for a good while the better Sanders does because they all split up their votes and the Sanders fanatics will stay the course. I think his support is primarily young skulls full of mush and hard core leftists who will remain in his corner. My wish is that 3 or more candidates stay in the race up the convention and that Bernie has the most delegates but gets muscled aside by the party apparatus and his supporters get ticked off and a lot of them stay at home on election day. I think that is the best scenario, or maybe Bernie goes third party. We can only hope for a cat fight at their convention.

Wallstreet is terrified of Sanders and I think if the financial markets collapse like they did in 2008 and Trump’s approval numbers plummet they will put their money behind Bloomburg, or Biden, because they do not want Sanders.

On a side note there are apparently 6 deaths in Washington due to the Coronavirus so whether this is something to worry about or not it will be played up big by the press. The market is way up today but we will see if it stays there tomorrow with the ever oppressive press coverage that keeps the fear factor alive.

I saw 2 deaths earlier today.

Its confusing because the headline to the article I read said 6 but then it only identified 2 in the text of the article so I am not sure.

Hope this helps:

Am I reading this correctly that they were patients in a care facility?

Don’t ask Floyd
Why don’t you call Washington Which I am curious too

From what I understand, one of the people in the assisted care facility went to China recently and contracted the virus.

I guess they had enough money to afford both the trip and the rent at the facility.

The people that died in those facilities had other major health problems. Which is the reason those who die from the flu die. This isn’t worse than the flu.

Not enough information yet, as to if it is more or less dangerous than the normal flu. The main difference is that with the normal flu viruses going around the CDC has medicine for them, Carnivorous does not have an antidote yet. That is the real fear.

They have been guessing at how long the incubation time is before the signs appears (Seattle patient proved that).

But it always wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Like most flu’s, the deaths are mainly with those most susceptible to death like the elderly and the very young. At least here in the USA. The unfortunate thing happening is there is a political rush to find a vaccine and adequate medicines for the pneumonia that complicates the virus. Apparently, Trump haters and the administration didn’t learn from the Swine Flu rush for a vaccine. That vaccine was far worse than the flu itself.

Just hear 4 of the 6 deaths were from a nursing home which confirms my last comment.

Well Bernie crashed and burned last night to some extent. Biden now appears to be the front runner. Bloomburg dropped out and has endorsed Biden. Warren is still in but on life support. The longer she stays in the more it hurts Bernie because the word on the street is that most of her supporters would go for Bernie over Biden. It looks like the party apparatus is moving to nix Bernie. Even the Democrats aren’t ready for a closet Communist and they don’t want their party destroyed by a radical outlier who has an appeal only to a limited demographic. Everybody who has dropped out so far is endorsing Biden. Biden is less dangerous than Bernie, He has a tendency to say dumb things and if the Trump campaign is smart they will compile a bunch of sound bites for campaign adds. .

It’s curious to me that Bernie is being targeted again.

Last election the DNC rigged the nomination so Hillary would win ( apparently some donations flowed from Hillary).

Now Bernie was in the lead again and half the candidates dropped and now support Buden.

Smells as bit fishy.

Fishy smelling is what I thought as well. The Democrats know that his nomination would be a disaster and could really set them back for awhile. They won’t let that happen. I am just curious as to whether most of his followers this time around will stay true blue Democrats like most of them did for Hillary. I wonder if Warren has been told to stay in to damage Sanders. I have heard speculation to that effect. She appeals to the same type of voter that Sanders does and can siphon some votes away from him. I thought they would rally around Bloomburg but apparently his debate performances were disastrous. I don’t know because I never watched any of the debates.

Now they are stuck with Biden who might do okay if they can muzzle him.

Biden’s problem is he is showing signs of dimentia. It’s not a knock on him personally. It’s sad to see this happen to anyone. But, the Convention will be interesting because by then, it may be obvious and then Hillary will step in to save the party.

Pocohontas is returning to the reservation and giving up on her American dream of becoming the first woman elected president and the first pseudo native American president. When she retires from the Senate maybe she can become the first female cigar store Indian. Of course cigar store Indians aren’t real Indians. They are just statues but since she isn’t a real Indian it might work out for her.

If you look at the Democrat’s field of primary candidates they probably had the most diverse field of candidates in the history of the primaries, but the field is getting way less diverse. The gay candidate who looks like Alfred E. Newman is out, the rich Jewish guy is out, the fake Indian princess is out. The garden variety liberal white woman is out but she didn’t add to the diversity any. Now all that is left are two old white men and a young woman from Hawaii that nobody remembers anymore and who is only in the race in her own imagination. One of the old white men appears to have dementia and the other is an old 60s Communist with old worn out ideas that have never worked and doesn’t have dementia that is detectable but subscribes to a demented philosophy of governance and economics.

The Democrats had a big field of diverse candidates without any original ideas.

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I am sending you a little love because I think you need a big hug. Hug that anger, dislike, and sarcasm out. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Thanks, I needed that.

I actually enjoyed writing every word, not angry at all. Sarcasm, how could you tell?