Steve Young biography

I just finished with Steve Young’s book “QB: My Life Behind the Spiral.” He is one of my all-time favorite athletes. I moved to the Bay Area about the time Steve was acquired by San Francisco. I had heard bits and pieces about his anxiety issues but had no idea what he went through. Having a family members that have struggles with the same thing helped me understand what he went through. Steve Young is an upstanding Mormon living in the greater San Francisco area. You couldn’t ask for a better ambassador for the Church in an area that probably still harbors ill-will towards the Church over the Prop 8 issue. Steve and his wife have done a lot of great charity work including helping children and LGTB young adults. He’s a man with a good heart and has stayed grounded in spite of his success. Even if you were never much of a fan, read his book and you will be by the time you finish. By the way, I’m not getting any kickbacks on his book sales.

Very good read for all ages!

:smile: :smile: :smile:

too bad the church can’t figure out what Steve understood long ago. We are all god’s children

I’m not on Steve’s side about Prop. 8. Either we stand for the Lord or we don’t. A person can stand for the commandments and the Plan of Salvation and still be kind and courteous.
The way to do it is to stay out of gay parades and organization’s. Follow the Prophet. Not the programs of, as Paul called them, “vile” sinners. I’m sure he would have no problem following his great-great-great grandfather.

I think having suffered severe anxiety to the point that he had difficulty even functioning normally gave Steve some perspective and empathy towards others who had tough challenges functioning within the expectations of the Mormon culture. Steve wanted to serve a mission back in his BYU days. The prophet had challenged every worthy young man to serve a mission and he wanted to respond to the call. He submitted his papers and then the anxiety kicked in to the point that he felt he couldn’t go. His bishop knew of his issues and agreed with his decision not to serve a mission. Not everyone is wired the same and not everyone finds that they can conform to a standard norm. That’s where a bit of compassion and wisdom and spiritual understanding come in to play. That’s what Steve has realized and that helps guide his efforts to reach out to children and others that have an internal struggle fitting into the LDS norm and society.


What is being insinuated here Chris? That the “church” doesn’t understand that we are all God’s children? I don’t want to assume or make any comments until I understand better. Thanks…

A little explanation would hopefully enlighten us on what you think Steve"s view is compared to the church. The prop 8 issue, which played out in a number of States under different names, is a tricky issue. I am not so sure that if it had to be done over again it would be backed the same way. It is one thing to oppose gay marriage and not allow it in the church, but a far different issue when one group seeks to take away the choice of another group when no third party is being hurt. The way things are moving, plural marriage will probably be recognized as legal again…All prompted by the gay marriage issue. We can say as a church and as individuals we don’t agree or support gay marriage, but probably ought to leave it at that rather than promote the funds of the church to fight the cause.

Of course having compassion for someone having challenges. But that doesn’t mean it’s okay to go against the Prophet and support sinful acts.
From online conversations on the subject of gay rights and marriage they believe the sin of Sodom and Gamorrah was not being hospitable. That’s what the sun was. Well, being hospitable means to make everyone around you comfortable. I have to say, with maybe 4-6% actually gay in the population, they, including transgendered, they make a lot of people feel uncomfortable. And trying to make righteous people feel okay with sin is wrong is it not?

I assume you are aware of the Church’s stance on same sex attraction but let me remind you. It is not a sin to have same sex attraction. There are LDS youth and others that struggle with all the emotional turmoil and anxiety that comes with trying to cope with same sex attraction. They are in need of our help, love and support to navigate their way through this challenge. The Church is reaching out to the gay community and offering hope and inclusion in the Church and in leadership roles. I applaud the efforts of Steve Young and other compassionate church leaders who support many worthy causes including efforts to support and reach out to those struggling with same sex attraction.

That’s true through any challenge someone has. We help those who need help. But we don’t approve of sin either. The LGBT community wants us to lower our standards to fit them. How do we raise people up if we lower ourselves to them? We aren’t the Savior.
Help them but approve of their acts and behavior, no. And it’s not hospitable of them to force themselves on us. Help those that want the help. I’m all for that. But don’t throw it in my face either.

I didn’t think I was throwing it in your face. You have an interesting approach to moral issues. If you were a bishop, I don’t think the youth would be lining up outside your door for help with dating issues if the first words out of your mouth was that fornication is a sin and worthy of God’s condemnation. Maybe what they were looking for was some wisdom on how to cope with what they were feeling.

So, you don’t think we should ever be honest with anyone about what is and isn’t a sin? And that includes kids. How then do they learn to keep morally straight?
I would want anyone to know I’m going to be honest with them and focus on the steps they can take to keep morally straight. Focus on how they can get back on the path to eternal life if they have stumbled or fallen off the path.
But to give people a false hope that their particular sin will be forgiven without repentance is completely wrong and detrimental for sinners. In fact, the sin may just fall on him.
We live at a time where sexual relations outside the bounds of heterosexual marriage is a major sin. Even if homosexual acts or heterosexuals sinful acts were all of a sudden removed as sin by God, those who were breaking them would have still sinned including being disobedient to God and would still need to repent. They couldn’t just say “See, I told you so!”
Am I wrong?

I understand your point. If the YM/YW programs have their standards nights and go over “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet and if the Bishopric are doing the youth interviews every 6 months, the youth will be well informed of what is and isn’t a sexual sin. But I wasn’t talking about cases of sexual sin. It sounds like you agree that having same-sex attraction is not a sin. It also sounds like you agree with the Church’s position that we should reach out and provide support to those struggling with same-sex attraction. Youth and young adults need counseling on dealing with same-sex attraction. That is what Steve Young’s foundation is doing so I don’t understand your criticism.

The issue of same-sex attraction and the LDS faith is “very painful to many, many families,” he said. “It affects people who are longtime members, general authorities and stake presidents and all kinds of members. We are hopeful that we can make a difference in San Francisco.”
Don Fletcher, newly appointed bishop of the Bay Ward who chose Mayne, echoes that sentiment.
“I want to reach out to gays and let them know that they are welcome in the ward, wherever they’re at,” Fletcher said. “If they are, like Mitch, living the commandments, they’ll be put to work. But everyone can get spiritual recharging and feel the savior’s love by worshipping with us.”

Don Fletcher gets it.

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From a Mother,

Two years ago my eldest daughter started in a new high school. After a week of being there she approached me with a question. “Mum is it OK with you if I am a friend to a gay person?” The reason she asks me is because my daughter and I are very close and she looks up to me. I have always taught her that she should not follow the flock and to make up her own mind about things after careful consideration. But she was just 15 and needed my guidance I guess. I told her that whether she decides to be a friend to someone should totally depend on the type of person that they were and if they respected her. She said he was really nice and he wanted her to go to his birthday party. I told her that just like anyone else, if he was a good person then I have no objection. They soon became best friends. It was kind of strange because had I not known he was gay I would have thought he was interested in her because he became so possessive of her. I got to know about him through my daughter and she told me he had had a difficult life. He did not have money for something he needed to go to so I gave her money to be able to take him. Because of that he wanted to meet me and eventually we invited him to our house for dinner. I got to know him and listened to his story like I would anyone else. He was surprised that I had prepared his favourite food and was treating him with respect because no other parent had been that kind to him. I stayed up with them and watched Doll House through the night. We talked about everything and I got to really know him. He told me some intimate things about his childhood… things that were very private and sad. I saw him as a son of Heavenly Father and felt love and compassion for him. I shared my beliefs with him and he shared his with me. He now approaches me whenever I go to the school and says hello. He has been to our house many times and my daughter goes to his house and he has invited our whole family to dinner. He asked me about my faith and I told him exactly what I believe. I am not one that hides behind religion and I don’t believe that gay people are all going to hell or anything like that. I reckon I have just about as much chance as going to hell as anyone.
The reason I am telling you this is to make you aware that it is not “love” that is missing from my attitude towards gay people. I have worked with them… I respect and love them like anyone else. I don’t discriminate when it comes to love.
Yes, Christ did spend time among prostitutes but he told them to “go and sin no more”. He loved them as children of God but he did not love nor approve of the sin.
I get what you’re saying about how difficult it must be to be gay. It is sad … very sad… when people take their own lives because of it. I would be devastated if my daughters friend took his own life. But I don’t know how to reconcile that love with what the gay community expect of our church.
What are you implying? That the church should extend callings to individuals who are openly practicing their gay lifestyle? I don’t get it… how would that work? Wouldn’t God have to approve it himself? The principles of chastity apply to all people I suppose so even a heterosexual who is living a promiscuous life cannot hold a calling in the church and you know that you have to be living in accordance with those laws and principles to be able to enter the temple. I don’t get what you are saying? No matter how much we LOVE them… .it won’t change the fact that they would not be able to hold a calling, nor go to the temple… nor get married etc. So what does ‘love’ have to do with it?
I am all for loving each other - all mankind needs to show more love towards itself but God will have to be the one to change the churches position on gay membership in the church.
There are many things I don’t understand about God. Why He allows a spirit to be born in the wrong body, why do children get raped, why do good people suffer unimaginable things etc. etc. I don’t believe that all gay people have a choice in the matter of how they feel or who they feel attracted to. I think it is grossly unfair. But I don’t ever suppose to question God about how he runs His church. If there is ever a ‘revelation’ to do with homosexuals I don’t think it will ever be to let them into the church as full fledged members but if it is then it is God’s perogative… not mine or yours or anyone elses.
so, we agree on love and I practice what I preach. I guess that’s why my daughter respects my opinion so much. She sees I am not a hypocrite. I just try to live the gospel according to the best of my understanding.

As I understand the Youngs are pro gay marriage.

Thanks for sharing the story! Too many of us don’t practice what we preach. Showing compassion and support and understanding of what a youth is dealing with is a far cry from advocating sin. Good for Steve Young and others who can be there for youth trying to navigate their way in life.

Youth? How about adults! Did you eat that drivel from the actresses at the marches last week. The vagina outfits! Disgusting! This is what happens when we try to appease sin.

I’m just supporting the Church’s position on the issue. You are entitled to your opinion.