The cancel culture

In the immortal words of Red Skelton “Yep!”

I did that more for how I feel, never liked Trump as person. that goes way beyond him becoming President. He reminded me of when my boys were petulant teenagers and dealing with their behavior. :open_mouth:

No offense intended, but I believe our beliefs about the current state of affairs is pretty close.

Not offensive at all. It is our faith that binds us and our religious beliefs. The rest of it is kind of inconsequential…

Does it have to be done with a Constitutional Amendment?

I now believe even more Trump did not crack. More information is out showing that the siege at the Capitol was pre-planned weeks in advanced by the perpetrators. Therefore, Trump did not incite the riot. He said in the speech to peacefully protest. Which brings up a point Levin pointed out. That statement has been taken out of the transcripts found on the internet. And, in You Tube videos. I’m thinking this may have been hatched up by the Democrats.

There is only two ways that I know to get it done, by Congress (law or amendment) and/or Convention of States (sorry, misspoke about the name of the convention)

A convention of states is a convention called by the state legislatures for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution. They are given power to do this under Article V of the Constitution. It is not a constitutional convention. It cannot throw out the Constitution because its authority is derived from the Constitution.

I do not see anyone Congress voting to limit their terms in office… Just saying!

And what verifiable proof or documentation does your information came from?

No fooling! They just gave themselves a $4,000/mo raise while giving us a one-time bonus of $600.

You need to expand your information channels. FBI amongst many other outlets including Fox News. Just Google “Capitol Attack was pre-planned.” CNN, Forbes,

I was thinking about that driving to work today and how in the last days there will be plagues and all manner of hardships. Then reading about two different strains of the corona virus coming from West Africa and Great Britain. Worse yet I don’t know who to believe anymore, it’s so I don’t believe right or left. I remember prophecy when I was growing up saying that towards the end, people won’t know which direction to turn, so turn towards the Holy Ghost and Christ. It’s probably just getting started but I’m sick of it already and have come to the conclusion that things may never be like they used to be

I think it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms and we all see it. It is important in order to maintain perspective and to look toward the Savior and our prophet for guidance and direction. Pray unceasingly and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Lastly, you are not alone.

I just heard that some BLM guy named Sullivan was the first to break in at the Capitol building. Hmmm… if this is true, I wonder how much involved was Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Biden-Harris? The guy is from Provo Utah. Check out the Washington Examiner