This election is a farce

Well, they need to take the case. The GOP is saying they aren’t backing down anymore. There are no deadlines for them anymore.

This is a slippery slope and can be used as a political tool to “stuff the court” by the liberals.

but on the other hand, I think Texas has a legit case (not using politics here), that other states has made changes to the way they vote through the courts instead of through the respective legislatures.

Like you said, it will be interesting to see what happens.

The liberals have used anything and everything in the past. With this, isn’t it interesting that Republican Ballots are never found sitting around in the middle of the night?

The states in question have Constitution’s that specifically state legislatures can change laws, not anyone else. And, this is a federal implication that could affect Texas and other states as well

20201210115500103_2020-12-10 - Motion to Intervene and Proposed Bill of Complaint - Final With Tables.pdf (

It’s probably going nowhere too. It should but we have weak kneed Justices that won’t stand up for the Constitution. We are a post Construction country.

Wait a minute, during the three senate hearings for their confirmation, you were extoling them as “Constitutional” judges and applauding their pick by Trump…
Right now, they have 5 solid right, 1 right of middle, and 2 far left, 1 Left of middle

And you say they are weak kneed? Is there anything that meets your expectation?

For the record most of those that lean right, makes their decisions based on the LAW, not some political agenda.

And further, Texas themselves has said today, they are not trying to overthrow the vote of the people of those states, they want the Court to force those states to follow the constitution

Texas files reply brief in election suit at SCOTUS, final step before justices issue order in blockbuster case | Fox News

Conservative Justices have a history of being wolves in sheepskins. They start leaning left once they get in like Roberts.

The Supreme Court rejects the Texas Lawsuit. We are done as a free country if the Republicans don’t win in Georgia. The Supreme Court and Trump’s AG are now part of the deep state. The country has been turning away from God for 60 years and God has now quit defending the freedom we once had. Sad.