Trump convicted on all 34 felony counts!

You did see it was Hillary that said this. Carville has said pretty much the same thing.

I do not care “who” said it, I do not like people calling other people stupid for any reason.

That is one word that is banned in my home. My kids learned never to say it, at least around me.

You missed the point. The Democrat machine is using the people to push their leftist agenda they learned from Saul Aulinsky roles for radicals. To fundamentally change the country from our current constitution to their tyrannical control Marxist form of government Aulinsky taught them. They spread this through the educational system and now we have half the country in goose step falling off a cliff.

You hear one guy’s name, and you think he is the center of the universe because why? He worked with Obama. CLUE: He is not the center of the universe for democrats.

Second, do you think the “conservative” movement is any better? You know the group the proud boys started?

The problem is not progressive or conservative the problem is when people get so polarized that they are no longer willing to listen, work and do anything with the other side.

Nicky Haley spoke to this point about Trump, that the “pro trump” supporting manipulated the GOP process to get him to be the candidate. They forced out the GOP committee and put all pro trumpsters in charge.

HERE IS A CLUE Scott, the new poll (Today) indication that 56% of registered GOP voters are less likely to vote for Trump now that he has been convicted. Even though any logical person knows the trial is a sham at best. The fact is that Trump put himself into this position and there is a good chance that Biden will be elected.

All this could have been avoided if we had picked someone else like Haley or DeSantis.

Please don’t talk about “goose stepping”, you do it quite well for the conservative movement.

A new poll!!! No, a sham poll at best. Hahaha
That’s a talking point from an old poll.

WOW! You haven’t a clue who Saul Aulinsky is either. I’ll throw a few other names of people who followed Aulinsky. Cloward, Piven, Davis, Ayers, Doren, Clinton and Clinton…

No Floyd, the two aren’t even close. The Democrat Left is far worse than the Republican Right. While both are racists the Right still believes in the Constitution and God while the other wants both destroyed. Have you heard, read or seen the far right stopping free speech? No. Seen them promote transgendered sex changes for children? No. Putting political opposition in jail, in court and truly cause election tampering? No. I could go on and on. The far right are bigots just like the far left and that’s about it.

How can it be an old poll when the poll was taken the night after the announcement of the verdict?

Extremism is in both parties, where “talking” has polarized congress into a do-nothing organization. Then you have idiot like Majorie Taylor Greene who never offers solution but fights along with a small of likeminded idiots and makes the GOP looks foolish by always having constant battles with other GOP members.

Yes, but not the way you are thinking. You are prime example of it, if someone does not agree with your viewpoint then you pounce on them, call the names and twist and turn what they say. In effect, people will not engage with you because you will not “discuss” issues, which in a form is restricting free speech.

Definition of a bigot:
a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. One who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial, ethnic or political group) with hatred and intolerance."

Sure, seems that you fit this definition, doesn’t it?

Ahhh…the last sentence sure sounds far right according to you attempting to silence free speech.
Objecting to your opinions is not silencing free speech. You seem to have no problem responding and talk silliness anyways. You don’t understand that offering opinions and even at times being mean about it is not silencing free speech. It’s actually the opposite.

If you want to call me a bigot for calling out Democrats who push communism, I’m guilty and proud of it. I don’t know where you pulled that definition from but it lost meaning when it threw in “political” groups. However, I would rather the communists have their speech heard so we know who they are and can point them out to object and show people how they are restricting freedom. And then lump them in with far right bigots who attack people for their religion, skin color and other personal things other than politics. That’s you.

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My father was a lifelong Democrat. He was a good honorable man, but was an uneducated high school dropout. He was typical of the Democrats of his day. The labor unions had him convinced that the Democrats had his back and the Republicans only cared about the rich. He worked at Geneva Steel back in the day when Geneva was the biggest employer in Utah County. Until the Carter years the big differences between the parties were economic issues and the size of government. The Democrats wanted more government control and welfare and such for the poor. The Republicans wanted less government involvement in business and fewer entitlement programs.

I remember things that convinced me that I couldn’t support the Democrat Party. I was starting to favor the Republican Party when I reached voting age (21 at the time, I voted for the first time in 1972 at the age of 22). I thought the Republican positions on economic policies were more in line with the spirit of the Constitution which limits the power and scope of government. The government increases in power over the individual every time it gives to the individual through welfare, government programs, and social programs. The difference between the parties for decades was largely defined by their platforms on economic issues and the size of government. When I turned completely away from the party my father supported was when the Democrats radically changed their stance on social issues. Until about the 70s most Democrats and Republicans agreed on
moral and cultural issues. That divide started in the 70s and has widened as the decades have passed. It started with Democrats’ support of abortion and the radical feminists. Then it moved to support of same sex marriage, and now the ridiculous, and abhorrent trans movement. I don’t know what the next twisted social issue will be, but I suspect the Democrats will support it if they can add to their voting coalition of disparate non-traditional extremists. They have also been in the business of trying to rewrite history and fundamentally change the culture. I am not so much a Republican as an anti-Democrat. I agree with a lot of what you say about Republicans. Marjorie Taylor Greene is an embarrassment, but for every one of her you have an AOC, Ilan Omar, Rashida Talib, and several others.

To me it is a simple matter of slowing the bleeding and that is why I won’t vote for Democrats. I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 because of his morals and I know if he would govern as a conservative. Under no circumstances would I have voted for Hillary. I wrote in Evan McMullin because he wasn’t on the Texas ballot. I voted for Trump in 2020 because of his policies and SCOTUS appointments. I still don’t believe Donald Trump is a moral man. I don’t believe Joe Biden is either, and to me, from a policy standpoint it is a no brainer. From foreign affairs, the economy, and cultural issues the Democrats have been a disaster.

I believe the Democrat Party has tried to destroy Trump through sham impeachment hearings when he was president and now sham law fare as a candidate.

I have given you my reasons for not voting for Democrats. I would agree with you it is not productive to call the average Democrat voter stupid, evil, or even communist. I do think many who control the Democrat Party are Marxists and drive the agenda. They are not stupid, but if they aren’t evil themselves they are unwittingly supporting an evil addenda.

I worked through the 80’s in the IBEW.
Back in the day, it was pretty much true that democrats were more concerned with the common person, while the republicans were more interested in corporations. The “trickle-down theory” was prominent.

I also know for a fact that union leaders pushed us to vote democrat straight party. I always thought that it is no one business who I voted for.

I think somewhere down the line, the parties started switching sides, where the republicans were looking out for the middle class.

Here is what I know based on watching the side show called Congress. Greene is the one out in front of the camera, but there are at least 15 in the group. Chip Roy is another one.

The Freedom caucus has basically showed that the GOP is not united. 15 GOP representatives voted to remove Johnson for doing his flipping his job.

I dislike both parties, I think they are both corrupt and almost beyond redeemability. My main thought is that until both sides actually want to talk and “work together”, nothing will change.

I just edited my post and added quite a bit more as if it wasn’t already overly long.

Here is my issue with Republican right now,
Nickie Haley brought this up during the primary and “NO ONE” in the party listened.

Here are some points she brought up:

“Rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. We all know that. Chaos follows him …But we can’t be a country in disarray and have a world on fire and make it through four years of chaos. We can’t.”

“All I know is we need stability, and we need strength, and we need to start answering the issues of tomorrow and not looking back to the past. And we can’t keep going back to that negativity and baggage of the past.”

“They know what a disaster he’s been and will continue to be for our party. They are just too afraid to say it out loud. Well, I’m not afraid to say the hard truth out loud. I feel no need to kiss the ring.”

“True to form, he’s taking out his anger on others, He’s getting meaner and more offensive by the day. He’s trying to bully me and anyone who supports me, he says they will be barred from MAGA permanently.”

We had a chance to get a good candidate without the Trump baggage and the RNC collapse to pressure to the point they threw out the administration and put Pro-Trump supporters in its place.

Here is a secret, “Republicans are going to lose the Presidency” because Trump is chaos and for most middle class people, they do not like him and feel he is guilty of many things.

Sad state of affairs in our country.

The ironic thing about calling Democrats stupid is it comes directly from Hillary Clinton in 2005.

And you are right how the Democrat Marxists are using the judicial branch to jail their opposition.

It’s interesting that Democrats only look back and attack Republicans when they get into power. Republicans aren’t allowed to do that. Republicans can’t look back and must move forward not learning from our past mistakes. Is that what you are agreeing to? Republicans sit down and shut up! Democrats, use the past, present and future and take down Republicans any way you want to. That’s what you and Haley is saying.

Hey, enough of that. Ask most of the media and the Democrat leaders and they will tell you that you just don’t understand how good the economy is.

It’s so good, for them :rofl:

Here is Aulinsky’s 8 ways to a tyrannical socialist or communist overthrow. No Republican is calling for these. But Democrats are.

But yet the Proud Boys and some “Conservative Republicans” planned and executed the plot to storm the Captial on January 6th to overthrow the election!

Enough Said!

Without guns. Are you serious? Read the list. Nothing in there about protesting an election. Democrats have done sit-ins for decades and most recently on campuses of universities. Please with the January 6th nonsense. Oh, that’s right. Only Democrats can protest. Brian Peter “Look, the average Democrat voter is just plain stupid. They’re easy to manipulate. That’s the easy part.” - Hillary Clinton, as told to ■■■■ Morris in “Rewriting History,” 2005.

Alvin Bragg’s future: Letters to the Editor — Dec. 16, 2024

SInce Bragg won’t void the 34 felony counts, I see pressure to replace this sore dinosaur of a loser. The big thing I see happening under a 2nd Trump presidency is ending this criminalization of a political opponent.
After Daniel Penny not-guilty verdict, calls mount for DA Alvin Bragg to ‘resign in shame’

Bragg took his orders from Merrick Garland’s people. From OBama’s Eric Holder to Garland, hope we never see these activists in the Attorney General office again.