Trump convicted on all 34 felony counts!

Bragg will win re-election because Manhattan is one of the most liberal parts of NYC. They are Dummer than a box of rocks when it comes to voting.

Trump sentencing: Judge gives Trump ā€˜unconditional dischargeā€™ to respect presidency

unconditional discharge: The charges of felon will hang on Trump forever, without any time served, ā€œto protect the office of the presidentā€

So they got what they wanted, to convict a sitting president. anything to tear down the opposition. Sad day for NY, Sad day for the rule of law

They should be able to get it overturned on appeal. but it will probably have it go to SCOTUS to be done.

From what Iā€™m hearing, because he sentenced him, Trump can now appeal. Had he not sentenced him, this conviction would be a talking point for the next 4 years. The key is how soon can Trumpā€™s appeal go through. And, will the New Yorkā€™s appeals court do the right thing. The SCOTUS will and that will end the conviction.

Jack Smith resigns from the Justice Department | Watch

It may take until the end of his term before he gets ā€œJusticeā€ and the conviction is overturned for legal missteps (on the part of the Judge and DA).

Iā€™ve got a feeling itā€™s going to go fastā€¦

Our criminal justice system is a joke, a bad, not very funny joke.

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I suspect that it will be quicklyā€¦the top judges in New York state are not electedā€¦and even judges who are hard core democrats with life tenure can see the insanity of the judge in Manhattanā€¦maybe wishful thinking of course but even the Manhattan judge almost bowed to sanity in the end.