Two wrongs don't make a right

I think your post fits in fine.

Tom, Thank you for sharing. I too had a great moment this week. I was able for the 1st time travel down to Joseph Utah to see where my great-great Grandfather lived, His son, Thomas Ferney Morrey, was rediculed for friending a Paiute youth, Huncup, who later became the Paiute Chief in the Richfield area. Always a friend to the Indians, they spared his ranch during the Walkara and Black Hawk wars. Thomas F Morrey became a cattle man and had a ranch up 3 Creeks area between Richfield and Kanosh as well as in Joseph and Kanosh. I visited that ranch on Thursday and took pictures of the many hand written notes he and progeny left on the logs inside the old cabin.

I will never forget the spirit I felt as I looked out from the cabin, next to a sweet gurgling spring, over the vast meadow filled with cattle, where my grandmother, Alice Morrey Bailey played and wrote poems as a child. They made him the bishop and he probably worked himself to death at the young age of 54 and was buried next to Chief Kanosh.

I had cousins in Kanosh and we used to visit when I was a kid 40+ years ago. It was always an adventure. I have a great great grandpa who is buried in Orangeville. He crossed the plains from Nauvoo as a 10 year old and built the first mud brick house in Spanish Fork.

I love stories like this, thanks for sharing Chris.

I wonder how many realize that BLM website state that it wants to get rid of the Nuclear Family and it founders were both trained Marxists (which uses methods like pulling down statutes) . These are the some of the methods used by Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, and Mao.

Not many. Including members of the Church.

As I said before about 10 months before a presidential election you can count on a motivating minority event. If Trump should get reelected the event will continue on for another four years if he should lose it would all go away overnight

BlM website, has everything but the kitchen sink, very little to do with BLM. More like every idea and every gender combo matters.

Totally agree. This is the epitome of corruption. I honestly believe our country has turned the corner completely now and there is no turning back. Our leaders are no different than the wicked political leaders we read about in the Book of Mormon that led the people to destruction.

Why do people throw away their liberty and freedom?

I would venture to guess that many are already enslaved in some sort of sinful behavior(s). They don’t repent, they have no interest in changing that behavior and so they are okay with throwing away their liberty and freedom because they have already lost it in most cases.

Just a thought.

Notice how even worse sins than abortion (if that is even possible), adultery, etc. are starting to emerge as common… things like pedophilia, extreme drug abuse, murder with no remorse, etc.

This happens when people no longer believe in God. The law is whatever society decides which ends up being carnal in nature because they believe their ideology and actions are natural. They have no one to answer to. Alienable Rights no longer exist.