Well, there you go!

Simultaneous means equal control. Pretty simple Einstein. Einstein also had others do his math and writing so he could use his massive intellect to enlighten others. As I am with you. And I will allow you to be my scribe


Really and you went to college? Simultaneously means at the same time. I’d get my money back or go fight a duel lol

In context my disciple of science and education it means equal control of the ball. Hope that helps…:upside_down_face:

Ugh🤪 impossible-go to bed and take a load off😴

We will be 12-0 next year and in the National Championship Game :hugs:

Our coaching staff needs to be replaced.

Not with the schedule for next year. Sitaki simply has to get the assistant coaches to make the minor changes and get players to strengthen their skills better.

Amen, amen, amen to you hopper.

Right on fish. We are all sick, sick, sick.