Yoeli Child Suspended for 9 Games?

You know what he was talking about. Stick with the primary subject about Yoeli Childs and his 9 games suspension and some nonsense rude ncaa did to him. And don’t blame Floyd for bringing up off topic.
Yes, stick with the main subject.

Well, he did. So, did you get info if BYU is still attempting to have the suspension reduced?

We have no clue if BYU still appealing anything for Yoeli.

Fish was talking to the coaches so he should have more information about it. Do you know Fish? Thawk?

I don’t know of those two guys “Fish & Thawk.” Fish is seeing something at BYU.
Go ask Fish

They are the same person and you sound like you could be that person too. HA! The Thawk trinity!

At least in my post, I recognized that I was going off-topic… does that help? :open_mouth:

Actually Jim started, I was responding to his post Scott… And for the record, I posted that I knew I was going off topic… so people would know.

It has not been reported, but like many I curious if they can appeal the ruling…

Yep! And I don’t mind if it goes off topic. It’s a small group. No harm done.

Again, I have no clue, but all we can do is wait if something change before that first official game

How about a lawsuit.

go ahead do that for him and good luck

Not for him. What will be the school’s loss if we don’t get to the Dance. I think it would an easy win. The same number of games as Emery? Yoeli’s offense isn’t close to what Emery did.

Would it be going off topic if I suggested that Yoeli’s 9 game suspension is a form of religious discrimination?

It doesn’t make any sense other than to single out the school and the individual.

Pretty sad on the part of the NCAA.

And, in this day and age, a motive for a lawsuit.

The church is, and for good reason has to be, way too sensitive on the issues regarding public relations. They are under constant scrutiny with the wolves all about ready to pounce and criticize the smallest, slightest, most insignificant thing and make it into a huge deal.

Going on the offensive for any reason is almost never within the realm of possibility… it just isn’t going to happen and that is one of the reasons the ncaa goes after them over the stupidest, smallest things. They are a scapegoat all the time.

Although, as Elder Hamilton said yesterday in the leadership meeting, the Boy Scouts left the Church, not the other way around. That we could no longer go along with the changes over the Big 3 G’s. Girls, God and Gays. The Brethren has enough. I’m wondering as the recent shifts the Lord has made with us if there may be changes coming with sports issues if it is really an issue.

On another note, you get to stay as bishop :slight_smile: I did want to say how sorry I am to hear about why you weren’t here for Stake Conference. Our condolences.

How did you know why I wasn’t there?

Your dad. He didn’t give any details just that a nephew had died.