Yoeli Child Suspended for 9 Games?


just scroll down, you’ll know when you see it

I somewhat agree with you about the Homeless. I believe liberal cities like LA, SF, Portland and Seattle encourage people to live the Homeless lifestyle. It’s all about mental issues, PTSD in many veterans, drugs, lack of incentive for people to work, etc. I saw a news clip just last week telling about the vermin and diseases in LA around the Homeless population. The last time I was in SF, we were overwhelmed by the numbers of male Homesless, what I would call gangs on Market Street and on the subway, etc. I have seen and heard s numerous stories about the lack of law and order in liberal Portland, where the Homeless live along the freeways and downtown. The mayor there refuses to allow the police to control these areas. As liberal as Seattle is I would think things are just as bad there, I don’t know for sure.

I was from San Rafael, CA, north of SF (last time live there 1979). You mean subway like at BART??? Where subway. That would be strange at BART subway along Market Street.