Young has some schoolies to fill, who will it be

Jaxon going to the NBA

4th best driver

Too bad for us. Wish him well. Team MVP last year in MHO

It would be sad if he isnā€™t drafted.

Can he come back and play college if not drafted? Or late pick. Or door is closed?

I think the door is closed. I still donā€™t have an actual statement.

Youā€™re the insider. What do you know about Robinsonā€™s decision?

Wednesday Headlines: NBA Draft Withdrawal Day Edition (

That answers that

Robinson committed to Pope and Ky. Next

He will try to find time vs. a loaded team. Ky probably paid him a boat load of money, BYU could of come up with the $$$ but will most likely use NIL for players that have more than 1 year to play, my take.

Why would you try to showcase your 1st round talent in a second rate league that Kentucky is in? Heā€™s in the same position of being his last year at Kentucky. And, can Pope get him in the 1st round? I donā€™t think so. Bad move.

I would have paid him because now we have to find another very good 3 point shooter if Knell canā€™t produce. Egor is most likely one and done. 2 at most. Young is going after one and some players. Need a big and a shooter.

Yep. Next.

I get it. He had a great bond with Pope. I think heā€™ll do fine at UK, he was the best player on a top 20 team last year after all. Only one that showed up in NCAA tourney game too. So would have been great to have.
(Get ready, Soap box time)
I think we sometimes discount that for a non-member a lifestyle at a UK etc is less problematic than at BYU. Thatā€™s a general statement, not specific to Jaxon. Think about especially for an African American where at BYU youā€™re one of 200 (?). More difficult to date for one.
Culture: Letā€™s face it, Mormons are for the most part are very, very nice and accepting but are a whole different culture (=weird). Had one non-member friend view it as living in another country, people were very nice, lots of positives. but still felt foreign to him. Honor code also has to be another factor. Itā€™s just always there. Their family members and friends from home do not live key parts of the honor code - understandably. They themselves didnā€™t grow up thinking those certain aspects of the Honor Code would ever be part of their lifestyle. I would venture to say that non-members atheletes at BYU are ā€œOKā€ with it and realize itā€™s what they committed to AND they know it is relatively ā€œshort-termā€ - just have to do a year or two. Does anyone believe that the non-members who left are living the BYU Honor code at their new universities? Obviously, these (culture, dating, an extreme minority, Honor Code) are likely not themselves deal breakers for the non-member athletes that come to BYU, but when given a fairly attractive choice elsewhere, those will weigh into the decision.

Good luck Mr. Robinson! You were a great representative of BYU.

Maybe he thought if he stays at BYU he would end up baptized and dealing with his family.

There are far more Christian non sexually active young men out there then one would dare say. Very few players come to BYU that are not ready to live by the honor code. Fact: Many 4 and 5 star players are living an honor code before they come to BYU.

Dating a black kid at BYU? again, maybe 30% of the girls are not open to it and it would be interesting to see a survey of white boys/girls in HSā€™s that have a high density of mixed races. X amount would not look outside their race for dating and marriage. Race has never been an issue in our home, Everyone knows mixed babies are the cutest babies!

You are right however, No doubt that many athletes choose to go elsewhere for that one reason.

I wish Robinson a NT with Pope and a future NBA career.
(He would of been better off at BYU as the man rather then sharing with other 4 and 5 star players)

Donā€™t look now, but it could get even better. If we land this guy, I think it would be the craziest roster BYU has ever had.

Even if we donā€™t get him, the fact that BYU has a number one projected NBA draft pick visiting Provo is a huge win! It means Kevin young can bring in top talent. We already knew that with Demin, but just more evidence.

Appreciate the perspective. I have no doubts that most if not all of the nonmembers keep their commitment to keep the Honor Code. Maybe even at a higher percent than member athletes! My point about the Honor code for nonmembers is that it is part and parcel of the whole fabric that is the BYU/Mormon culture they are living in. Agree, many are good Christians so the sexual aspect of HC may indeed be part of their own principles and not any different for them. I was actually thinking more of the drinking part might be a better example of a nonmember thinking - "ok, I can not drink for a year or two (or 4-8 months) and after, go back to choosing to drink or not drink, just like their parents. Without any knowledge, someone like Slovis MAY be an example. Loved his BYU experience, now back to how he would live without BYU/HC?Mormon culture.
Regarding dating, I still think itā€™s more difficult for nonmembers as pool of availability of women wanting a LONG TERM relationship with a nonmember s pretty limited. Not quite as bad as it was in the day if you were not an RM, but same idea.
Point is, getting offers from big time programs, compared to a similiar offer but having to live in the LDS culture with the HC can be a factor in their decision. They have great respect for BYU and LDS culture, but it doesnā€™t fit perfectly for them.


Matt Haarms comes to mindā€¦more than once specifically stated he could handle the culture for a year because he felt like Pope/Burgess coaching would make a difference for his futureā€¦he is having a solid career in Euro but not his dream in the NBAā€¦


this is monster news. keep em coming

BOOM- Instant Defense

Rutgers transfer forward Mawot Mag commits to BYU (

Ya got yer scorers and ya got your defenders.