Covid 19 and sports

People are going to die at an exceptional rate? Prove it. That’s just fearmongering. 40,000 - 60,000 die from the flu each year. You know why there is no panic about the flu? We have vaccines for the flu’s that come each year so people aren’t freaked out. That’s the main reason. The other reason is we don’t have fearmongering.

60 million people caught the H1N1 while 23,000 people died in the U.S. Did we shut down everything? No. There was no vaccine for that when it attacked. But no one fearmongered either.

If 60,000,000 had the swine flu and 23,000 died then the death rate would only be .00038333%. If 60,000,000 catch the Corona Virus then the death toll will be much higher at 396,000 based on the current conservative estimate that the death rate may be as low as 0.66%. I have seen estimates as high as 2% and also at 1% per Dr. Fauci. I read that 0.66% seems to be the most reasonable number right now based on counting everybody considering mild symptoms and no symptoms. Lets hope 60,000,000 don’t contract this!

I am not well read on any of this but I do enjoy hearing all your perspectives. I am interested in Dr Anthony Fauci and his comments. He seems to be viewed as the national “Expert” on this. My liberal friends, in particular, on Facebook, sure love to quote him.

I know he’s the Coronavirus Chief Dr, but what does that mean? I’m sure he’s incredibly impressive and qualified, but I have to wonder who appointed him, what are his political views, etc. Excuse me for throwing politics into this, but I think we are foolish if we don’t in a case like this.

Fauci is a fearmongering midget from the beginning. He’s still doing it.

The actual numbers of people who have caught it that are not reported is 10 to 20 times more. Fauci and Brix have stated this in the press conferences. But, it doesn’t get reported because that dims the sensationalism the media are blood thirsty for. Only those sick enough are being tested up to this point. But now, those numbers are higher because the availability of the tests are greater. So, say 20 million have already had it, 90% with mild symptoms and many with none. Now your numbers are in line with other flu’s.

You are quite right to throw politics into this. And, your liberal friends like him when he can put Trump into a bind. They get all giddy when millions are going to die. They love hearing millions will die so Trump will be defeated in 2020.

You always have interesting perspectives. I miss the times when you and Hawks had major disagreements on Cougarfan.

Dr. Fauci has been an advisor to 6 different Presidents and he has the ear of President Trump. I don’t believe politics is involved in anything Trump and his medical advisors have been putting out. Can’t say that about Senators or House reps-oops just had an earthquake -sorry actually did have an earthquake while posting this reply. As far as this board goes-well a variety of opinions and I, personally, would not be naive enough to put out anything I wasn’t qualified as an expert on. But I do hold the opinions of Floyd and Chris as at least not having an axe to grind, therefore credible to at least examine

It’s not so much the disagreements. It’s more like we have to accept the “scientist’s” explanation. In this case, Fauci and others used geometric only models for the conclusion millions are going to die. Fauci was called out in it that he did not include epidemiology science while making his predictions. And, anyone willing to seek out information from others who aren’t willing to fearmonger would look elsewhere than the Communist News Network.

I am certainly no expert on any of this. All I know is what I hear on the news and read in internet news reports. I think the only reliable statistic we see is the actual death toll in this country and the death toll numbers reported by most of the European nations. The rest of the stats are open to question. I wouldn’t place any credibility on any statistics China puts out, or the WHO for that matter. As far as how many people are infected that is only an educated guess as is the death rate. I don’t think we will have any idea as to the actual death rate until the pandemic is over.

The other numbers we can measure is the drop in the stock market, job losses, and businesses closed. Those are pretty measurable and the long term economic impact of this could be very severe. The stimulus packages with the strings that are attached and government intervention in all kinds of business operations, and our personal lives, which may be necessary in the short term, unfortunately may never be reversed.

Wouldn’t work for Mormons, for a number of reasons. There are essential symbolic elements, such as the need to break the bread by hand and bless it in front of congregants (so they can make the covenant as it’s made). No way to pre-package the sacrament in sealed containers, assembly-line style, in advance. The best (and only) way to perform the ordinance of the sacrament is in the homes right now.

Any update on Church communication to your family on this? I’m sure you are well aware of the options given by the Church yesterday (release, and accept reassignment in the indefinite future, or release, and try again in a year or a year and a half).

A really rotten deal for missionaries unfortunate enough to have their missions right at this time.

Is that doctrine, tradition and/or policy. Like how we sin if we take the sacrament with the left hand?

Our Bishop gave us permission to hold the sacrament in our homes.

My wife and I decided to take it a step further and hold “Sacrament Meeting” at our home as well. With a talk and discussion afterwards, song, etc…

It is pretty amazing what that does to bring in the spirit into our home.

We too are following the sacrament meeting schedule with prayers, songs, talks (come follow me) and videos and the sacrament. I bless and my grandson passes.

I read that Tucker Carlson is saying the Coronavirus probably did not come from a bat as has been reported. It came from a leak in a lab in Wuhan. Below is a link to the article. It hasn’t been verified yet but I wouldn’t doubt this was something they were experimenting with and thing went awry and it infected their own people and spread . That would explain their lack of transparency in the whole disaster.

I found it on the Bongino Report. There are several other interesting articles there concerning China and the Corona Virus outbreak. .

Wouldn’t surprise me. The question I have is did China do this on our pay and it wasn’t an accident. They did it to get back at us and the world.

I have wondered for several weeks about whether the virus was developed in labs in Wuhan and if so whether it was an accident that the virus was let loose on the world. I am not the only person who has wondered about this. I have talked to a number of people who have had the same thoughts. I suspect many people have wondered but most of us don’t like to contemplate such things. The ramifications could be pretty horrific. If it is shown they did it on purpose then what? What are the reprisals? Most everybody would rather think the virus came from an animal or at worst it was an experiment that went awry. If it was an experiment why?

Liberals get upset at Trump calling this a China virus, or a Wuhan virus. That is exactly what it is. It came from there and they weren’t forthcoming about how bad it was and things wouldn’t be as bad on a global basis if they had been completely transparent. Of course if they were experimenting with viruses for some reason then they would have plenty to hide wouldn’t they?

I don’t want anybody to get the impression I am anti-Chinese. This has nothing to do with the average Chinese citizen. This is an issue with an evil corrupt system of government that has no regard for its own citizens not to mention the international community.

Aro: I totally get what you are saying and I agree. I read a Bloomberg article today that said that high US Govt officials have strong reasons to believe that China has NOT been forthright about the details of the virus in China. Mike Pence had strong words to say about this.